1. must have a business plan and learn about the behavior of consumers in each market. Thai entrepreneurs who want to expand its overseas business, will have to prepare and plan for dealing with the various situations in the style of a guide that would make executives can follow the steps immediately when the events occur at the same time. The behavior of clients that would come to buy our products in each of the ASEAN countries, it has a taste and a different life. One item might sell well in some countries, but may not be sold in certain countries, such as Malaysia in the Indonesia people never appreciated items in yellow while the Myanmar people, not like the Orange and white goods because it means death in Cambodia like this, etc.There must be a test of the crisis (Stress Test) and plans prepared in response characteristics of a guide that would make management middle tier can follow it by degrees. Immediately when this happens, you must test in many scenarios, such as when there is political uncertainty within the. When closing the border crossing points, and Dan When there is an unstable electric system. When the exchange rate systems and money transfers are a barrier to assume beforehand he worst events that will occur to make this trade, investment in what are. Think before you begin remove money to invest I before the money conscious meditation is also due to my intelligence will occur.This guide is prepared enough problem, it took into consideration and work face deployment again. Better to assume when there is a problem, because when you have money. If you do not have to prepare that well most of the time the problem occurs, you will lose consciousness and meditation wireless blackout! and may assume that simple money. Large sums of money towards a new hope today and put it to drag out, remove the old financing most of all to go broke.2.พันธมิตรทางธุรกิจที่เป็นคนในท้องถิ่นเป็นสิ่งจําเป็นอย่างยิ่ง พันธมิตรทางธุรกิจที่เป็นคนท้องถิ่นเป็นสิ่งจําเป็นอย่างยิ่งสําหรับการออกไปลงทุนในต่างประเทศเนื่องจากพันธมิตรที่ดีจะรู้ช่องทาง รู้กฎระเบียบ รวมทั้งมีสายสัมพันธ์ที่ดีกับรัฐบาลกลางและรัฐบาลท้องถิ่น ตัวอย่างเช่น ใน สปป.ลาว ตําแหน่งผู้บริหารของภาครัฐจะมีการ สับเปลี่ยนโยกย้ายทุกๆ 3 ปี พวกเราคนนอกไม่ทราบหรอกครับว่าอีก 3 ปีข้างหน้าใครจะมาเป็นเจ้าแขวง แต่คนลาวด้วยกันเขาพอจะเดาทางออกครับว่าใครจะขึ้นมา และข้อมูลประเภทนี้รู้ก่อนได้เปรียบครับ เพราะเจ้าแขวงของสปป.ลาว สามารถให้สิทธิพิเศษในการทําการค้าการลงทุนได้อย่างน่าสนใจทีเดียวครับWorking together with the local people rely on for trust is the core legal and financial monitoring system, there are differences from familiar Thai businessmen. And must not take advantage of our business partners to jointly invest.3. the study of Logistics System and transport routes. To study transportation routes, including transport logistics system must update the routing environment news and new bus routes are always including freight routes that will make many countries in ASEAN as the center of an ASEAN maritime transport. And as the gateway to the South and region In Western China, as well as a gateway to the region of northeast India as well.Cash flow and working capital Investment in many countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations must have the cash flow and long pan of funds. Turnover must have enough quantities because of the size of the domestic market is small, such as Laos, Burma sapop. Despite the high growth rate, but it will take a relatively long payback.In some firms, and some service sectors. Government of many countries, such as Viet Nam calls, operators are required to have a capital. Highest paid registrationRead more: http://www.thai-aec.com/960#ixzz3SChXoiUV
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