Report of the external auditor is allowed.Shareholders ' proposal s KS Bus (in Thai) co., Ltd.I have examined the financial statements of the company s k s-bus (in Thai) Co Ltd, which includes financial statement as of December 31 and 2557 (2014) income statement statement of changes in shareholders ' equity. For the year ended on the same day, including the note summarizes the major accounting policies and note other matters.The responsibilities of the management financial statements.The management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these financial statements, based on the expected financial reporting standards. For acts that are not public and stakeholders responsible for internal control management is considered necessary in order to be able to produce financial statements that are free from data showing that contrary to fact as subject matter, whether due to fraud or error.Responsibility of the auditorI was responsible for the comment per the financial statements, the results of my investigation. I have performed audit in accordance with auditing standards, which require me to follow a code of ethics requirements as well as plan and execute audit in order to obtain a reasonable confidence that without financial statements provide information that is contrary to the facts as the essence or not. Monitoring, including the monitoring method used to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. How to verify that choose to use depending on the discretion of the Auditor, including the assessment of the risk of displaying data that is contrary to the facts is the essence of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In the risk assessment. The Auditor considers internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of financial statements by the parties should be based on the. To design a monitoring method that best fits the situation, but not for the purpose of comment: the effectiveness of internal control of enterprises. Examination, including assessment of the suitability of the accounting policies, the management and use of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.I believe that the audit evidence that I receive sufficient and suitable to be used as a criterion in my opinion show.CommentsI believe that the financial statements above, this shows the financial position of the company s k s-bus (in Thai) co., Ltd. as of the 2557 (2014) December 31, and the results of operations for the year ended on the same day by properly as it should in essence financial reporting standards. For non-public stakeholders(Mrs. daub Arirat mala)Licensed Auditors 10616 registration number.วันที่ ......................................
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