Introduction The regulations relating to the management, Mahidol University, Bangkok, siriraj hospital, Faculty of medicine, karun piyom, find the Kingdom.2554 (2011) Chapter 2 siriraj hospital regarding the management and operation of 18 messages (4) concerning the planning, management and development of human resources. 1. purpose.1.1 in order to determine the policy direction and goals of the individual.1.2 to provide the workforce with the skills and knowledge to work, consistent with the vision, mission, strategy and objectives of the hospital.1.3 in order to check the standard of work processes related to human resource management. 2. scope Covers the operating personnel in the hospital consisting of A worker at the hospital, working full time and hospital workers in affiliated agencies of the Faculty of medicine, siriraj hospital, archaeological site. That has been approved by the Dean to perform full-time hospital personnel by Mikhail bangkhap by this group, including free medical healthcare. 2.1 planning capacity and budget rate (Manpower Planning and Budget) 2.2 the nomination Recruitment and employment (Recruitment, Selection and Hiring)2.3 performance management (Performance Management)2.4 development and training (Training and Development)2.5. compensation and benefits administration (Remuneration Management).2.6 storage of personnel (Retention).2.1 planning capacity and budget rate (Manpower Planning and Budget) Objective to determine the number of people that are appropriate and sufficient in each routing by correspond to the policy of the hospital and plans this budget plans are rates will need to support the Organization's mission, vision and strategy. 2.1.1 there are rate plan once a year in the past fiscal year for recruiting and selection of personnel. Suitable and sufficient obligations by considering, in accordance with the following rules apply:The hospital's strategic plan 1). 2) business plan and budget plan.3.) the scope and level of service (Scope and level of services). 4) modern technology and modern medical equipment to provide the service.5.) the ratio of the patient and the patient (OPD/IPD) and other service. The original plan, the rate is 6).7. resignation of the personnel rate.)The rate of retirement of personnel, 8).2.1.2 Executive Agency is responsible for planning, management, and routing planning approval rate. Are consistent with the above text guidelines 8? By the human resources department will collect and produce data. Budget, human resources, and provides an overview of the planned annual capacity rate per Board of Directors. The hospital agreed to consider 2.1.3 If the transfer of executive authority have resigned their approval rate being added or substituted by. Approval routing and management has to plan the transfer and the transfer of authority. Responsible to not affect operation. By the human resources department will be responsible for sourcing and screening. The rate is to replace by a reference from the knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience required of the position. 2.1.4 review plans are rates need to be reviewed periodically to suit the current situation. Changes such as restructuring the organization. To modify the business plan or to increase the number of patients. Etc. Must be approved by the Executive Committee to adjust plans hospital at all times. Human resources prepared an analysis of the main factors, as mentioned above, the Executive Committee and presented to the hospital consider the guidelines for determining the rate of long-term capacity of the hospital.2.2 the nomination Recruitment and employment (Recruitment, Selection and Hiring) Recruitment purposes with the skills and attitudes, values that correspond to your needs. The organization. 2.2.1 recruitment (Recruitment) Recruitment to personnel qualified and suitable for the position, the qualifications required (Job Specification) as described characteristics (Job Description) knowledge, skills, abilities (Competency, skill & knowledge) and attitudes, values that correspond to the organization.Recruitment of personnel, hospital with all sectors, all potential personnel from within the Organization and outside the organization meets specified in that position by the human resources Department carried out the planned recruitment rate is annual approval from the Board of Directors is responsible for the supervision and control are in accordance with the plan of operation of the hospital. Internal recruitment process by considering the migration/appointment/promotion of internal personnel.• The appointment/promotion needs to be considered and approved by the Director and Deputy Director/Director of routing them by qualifying individuals who fit the job description you want. • Routing migrating in the same case Must have Java's event from bosses at the Agency and receive approval from the supervisory authority in the original. All this. Migration must not affect others in the unit, and must be approved by the Deputy Director of the routing.• หากกรณีการโยกย้ายข้ามสายงานบังคับบัญชา จะต้องได้รับการอนุมัติจากผู้อำนวยการโรงพยาบาล โดยได้รับการเห็นชอบจากรองผู้อำนวยการของทั้งสองสายงาน อีกทั้งต้องไม่มีผลต่อการปฎิบัติงานในหน่วยงานเดิม• การสรรหาบุคลากรจากบุคลากรภายใน หมายรวมถึงการสรรหาบุคลากรจากคณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล โดยเฉพาะกลุ่มการพยาบาล ที่โดยได้รับการประเมินและคัดสรรมาจากคณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาลในการนำส่งพยาบาลและผู้ช่วยพยาบาล ตามคุณสมบัติ ความรู้ และทักษะที่มีการกำหนดไว้ตามแผนอัตรากำลัง การสรรหาบุคลากรภายนอก หน่วยงานแจ้งความต้องการบุคลากรตามแผนอัตรากำลังประจำปี (Manpower plan) ที่ได้รับการอนุมัติจากคณะกรรมการบริหารโรงพยาบาล ให้ฝ่ายทรัพยากรบุคคล โดยแนบ คำบรรยายลักษณะงาน (Job Description) ที่รวมถึงคุณสมบัติและสมรรถนะ (Competency) ในตำแหน่งที่ต้องการเพื่อให้ได้บุคลากรที่ตรงตามต้องการ ฝ่ายทรัพยากรบุคคลจะดำเนินการสรรหาจากช่องทางต่างๆ ที่เหมาะสม อาทิ• สถาบันการศึกษา (Campus)• เว
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..