1. Harm of Cigarette
smoke contains compounds that are toxic and carcinogenic. Include a compound
that is
1.1 compounds in cigarettes. Smoke caused by a burning cigarette is a chemical compound
more than 7,000 species in the amount of the toxins and carcinogens, no less than 72 species (PRAKIT T
allegorical works: 2554) in addition to substance abuse and substance. causing irritation compounds
important as
1) nicotine (Nicotine) are substances that cause addiction. Acting directly on the brain Is both a stimulant and a sedative public. If exposure in small amounts, such as from smoking 1-2 cigarettes may initially stimulate rejuvenate. If you smoke cigarettes, it will hit the CNS. Make sense that 95 percent of nicotine is slow to catch on to the lungs. Some are on the membranes of the lips. And some is absorbed into the bloodstream. Directly affects the adrenal glands. Causing it to secrete norepinephrine pins. (Epinephrine) blood pressure rise. The heart beats faster than normal And Irregularities Artery in the arm and leg contractions increase blood cholesterol smoking one cigarette is 0.8 to 1.8 mg nicotine cigarette butt does not help the body get less of nicotinamide
2) Tar (Tar) tar or oil. soil A sticky substance composed of many islands are dark brown. A cancer-causing substance that organs such as the lung, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, bladder. And other organs, 50 percent of tar is to capture the lungs, causing irritation. The cause of chronic cough with phlegm who smoke a pack a day. Tar into the lungs will be about 30 mg per day, or about 110 grams per year (cigarettes with tar in Thailand. 12-24 mg / cigarette)
3) carbon monoxide. (Carbonmonoxide) is a gas with a concentration out with smoke. Can be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly undermine the ability of hemoglobin oxygen normally. Apply to the body gets less oxygen. The lack of oxygen The heart must work harder to make the heart beat faster, numbness, fatigue is a major cause of heart disease. Also cause headaches. Nausea, muscle weakness, limb 4), nitrogen dioxide (Nitrogen dioxide) is a poisonous gas that cause irritation. Distal bronchial epithelial damage and air bags. Some walls and air bags inflate air bags are combined into a small bag of wind, the amount of air bags reduce the flexibility to breathe - to decrease. Cause disease emphysema. The body gets less oxygen chronic cough, dyspnea, angina symptoms 5), hydrogen cyanide (Hydrogen cyanide) is a poisonous gas that destroys the lining of the bronchial tree. Cause chronic bronchitis A chronic cough Mucus on a regular basis, especially in the morning are more phlegm 6) radioactive Lopez alloy 210 (Polonium 210) is a radioactive substance in tobacco smoke. This material is the alpha. Which is why cause lung cancer. And cigarette smoke is deadly effective carrier in the field of radiation. Make those around them are toxic to the breath 7) minerals, minerals such as potassium, calcium, cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium found in cigarette smoke these elements as residue. in tobacco The substances that cause toxic effects on the body, especially when dealing with nickel react with other chemicals. It is a toxic substance that can cause cancer, the compounds found in tobacco smoke can harm the body in many other species, such as arsenic, mercury nitrosamines have. Of formic aldehyde and 1.2 additives scientists found. In addition, a chemical that is naturally present in tobacco cigarette manufacturers also add other chemicals in cigarettes. The integrating into the tobacco and cigarette paper. Collectively, these substances as ingredients (additives) to taste. Thus clearing the throat Taste smoother not cause sore throat (such as sugar, menthol, clove) and aromatic (such as valve deer - coumarin) to keep it longer lasting (such as preservatives, anti-fungal agent humid) substances increases the effects of drugs. of nicotine (ammonia) Some of these ingredients by themselves are harmless. If you needed to put in food, it is considered safe. But when they put on a cigarette and burned along with other chemical species. Becomes harmful to health additives were found to be brought to the room, there were more than 2,000 species of each cigarette brand to mix additives is approximately 100 species in total, we found that a substance. Some were severely damaged in a number of flavored cigarettes, 700 species of tobacco companies to report to the US government's 13 types of chemicals that the Food and Drug Administration, US. Do not use in foods and in 5 of a hazardous substance. The Environmental Protection Agency announced a ban on the elimination of waste dumped in the cigarette company in Europe. Companies in New Zealand and the New Zealand government report said. Contain flavoring to more than 2,000 species of tobacco, as reported. The addition of additives in cigarettes, branded 15-20 each sample type additives in cigarettes are found to be harmful to health 1) Ammonia (Ammonia), ammonia and ammonia compounds increases the nicotine free (Freenicotine) lead to increased sexual activity. Nicotine addiction The substances that cause. Bronchial tissue irritation of eyes, skin, the eyes, nose, bronchitis, cough, sputum 2) cocoa (cocoa) increase the likelihood of cancer. Smoking is not permitted in excess of 5 percent of the weight of tobacco 3) Deer Tongue (Coumarin) wear to smell. (Vanilla) and the taste of cigarettes. Especially in low-tar cigarettes are. This material is harmful to the liver. Used as a rider and as a carcinogen. In England, not allowed to enter the food 4) Clove (Clove) input to help make smoking more easily. When the ignition is caused eugenol, a compound that has the effect, the anesthesia. And the central nervous Similar to carbamate (Barbiturates) and alcohol, this can cause intestinal bleeding. Blood clot in the lung, emphysema, lung flooding 5) Diethyl glycol (DEG) is additive freezing point of water to fill the pot up. When put in tobacco
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