Porsche history-Sarun |Birth name Sarun |The nickname poshBorn November 14, b.e. 2534 (19 years)Zodiac LibraOriental Zodiac goatHis career, actorSarun wing (nickname: Porsche) Born November 14, b.e. 2534 which Bhumibol Adulyadej hospital, Bangkok and moved to THA new chanthaburi Thailand as actor. Graduated high school from the school of medicine at Sri Muang chantaburi province tributes. They are currently studying an undergraduate degree at Rangsit pathumthani into the entertainment industry, from walking and took a famous music video from the movie loving works of Gao Korea oval form. Saranghae yo directed by Arnon terms also produced the drama. A ball where masks, magic charms, Love River Bangkok, 11th. Assumptions, capacity Porsche Bandung Sarun actor affiliated with channel 7 by 7-year contract signed.
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