3. non-appearance of the mouth of the locust leaves.A two-layer thickness.B single.Slither teeth c.4. what message does not cause a reduction in the number of locust leaves.A Distributor.B raising.C fish food.5. the current total of species found many species.A. 3000 typeB.1500-typeC. 1800 type6. the locust leaf habits?A slow-moving.B flying.Fast c.7. what would you say about locust leaves.At a colorful hidden insideB.-wings are larger than regular 2 x.C the red eye.8. is there an enemy fighter by any means.A loud shriek, with wings.Flying into the b.C. hibbeler threatened9. what color leaf grasshopperA green and Brown.B-black.The Red c.10. How are locusts, leaves to escape enemies with.A remain still.B flight.C., no message is.
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