The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could  การแปล - The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The poor attitudes students may hav

The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could be addressed through sensitization, orientation, and the provision of tool kits that help users to study at a distance. Prospective students must be informed that distance education is not easy; rather, it requires self-discipline. The public-at-large could be informed about the benefits of distance education: It is not only cost-effective but also enables people to study where they live and to contribute to their families and communities as they study.
Lecturers must receive training in on-campus and distance instructional methods and learning strategies. These sessions can be offered at their current institutions as a job requirement. Teaching will not be recognized as a profession until it is treated as such and individuals who lecture are required to obtain training and to receive some form of certification.
When the quality of distance education is improved as a result of updated curricula, improved instructor training, the provision of modern resource centres, and access to broadband Internet services and reliable power, the attitudes towards distance education will change. At the same time, it must be recognized that distance education is compared to traditional face-to-face instruction in Uganda; however, it is unclear whether the tendency to use rote learning on-campus is a better alternative to instruction delivered via a distance format.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could be addressed through sensitization, orientation, and the provision of tool kits that help users to study at a distance. Prospective students must be informed that distance education is not easy; rather, it requires self-discipline. The public-at-large could be informed about the benefits of distance education: It is not only cost-effective but also enables people to study where they live and to contribute to their families and communities as they study.Lecturers must receive training in on-campus and distance instructional methods and learning strategies. These sessions can be offered at their current institutions as a job requirement. Teaching will not be recognized as a profession until it is treated as such and individuals who lecture are required to obtain training and to receive some form of certification.When the quality of distance education is improved as a result of updated curricula, improved instructor training, the provision of modern resource centres, and access to broadband Internet services and reliable power, the attitudes towards distance education will change. At the same time, it must be recognized that distance education is compared to traditional face-to-face instruction in Uganda; however, it is unclear whether the tendency to use rote learning on-campus is a better alternative to instruction delivered via a distance format.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could be addressed through sensitization, orientation, and the provision of tool kits that help users to study at a distance. Prospective students must be informed that distance education is not easy; rather, it requires self-discipline. The public-at-large could be informed about the benefits of distance education: It is not only cost-effective but also enables people to study where they live and to contribute to their families and communities as they study.
Lecturers must receive training in on-campus and distance instructional methods and learning strategies. These sessions can be offered at their current institutions as a job requirement. Teaching will not be recognized as a profession until it is treated as such and individuals who lecture are required to obtain training and to receive some form of certification.
When the quality of distance education is improved as a result of updated curricula, improved instructor training, the provision of modern resource centres, and access to broadband Internet services and reliable power, the attitudes towards distance education will change. At the same time, it must be recognized that distance education is compared to traditional face-to-face instruction in Uganda; however, it is unclear whether the tendency to use rote learning on-campus is a better alternative to instruction delivered via a distance format.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The poor attitudes students may have towards distance education could be addressed through sensitization orientation,,, And the provision of tool kits that help users to study at a distance. Prospective students must be informed that distance. Education is not easy; rather it requires, self-discipline. The public-at-large could be informed about the benefits of. Distance education:It is not only cost-effective but also enables people to study where they live and to contribute to their families and. Communities as they study.
Lecturers must receive training in on-campus and distance instructional methods and learning. Strategies. These sessions can be offered at their current institutions as a job requirement.Teaching will not be recognized as a profession until it is treated as such and individuals who lecture are required to. Obtain training and to receive some form of certification.
When the quality of distance education is improved as a result. Of updated curricula improved instructor, training the provision, of modern resource centres and access, to broadband Internet. Services and, reliable powerThe attitudes towards distance education will change. At the same time it must, be recognized that distance education. Is compared to traditional face-to-face instruction in Uganda; however it is, unclear whether the tendency to use rote learning. On-campus is a better alternative to instruction delivered via a distance format.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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