Research University (Bangkok Poll) conducted a public opinion poll nationwide during June 7 - October 8, 2557 through 1194, the number of people on the stress levels of the male answer. Overall, Thailand found that most people think is 80.4 percent with less stress to a minimum. And amounted to 18.0 percent at the most stressful. When analyzed down to the group that this group is any group of people. Considering the domicile found. A person is said to have the most up to the 26.1 percent who said the most stressful. Minor people Bangkok at 22.1 percent, the most stressful. Considering the professional groups that own a professional group with the most stress, 26.1 percent, followed by a professional group of trade / freelance / contract. And farmers / fishermen Very stressful to most as a percentage of 21.2 and 21.1 respectively, so this group is considered among the government agencies involved need to provide assistance or special treatment for the stress in the whole country is 1.88. (from 4.00 strain, which is the most stressful) were classified Pigeon consider the profile of the sample showed that farmers / fishermen as a group with the most stress compared with other occupations. The stress score of 1.99 (less stressful), which really makes farming / fishing is stressful. The rice is expensive (percent 77.9) and agricultural prices decline (of 74.3) and career stress, followed by the Private Employee of 1.93 points, career-employed was 1.92 points and career civil servants / government employee as 1.91 points on. by region found that the southern sector with more stress than other sectors. The stress score of 2.06 points, which really makes the person is under stress. The rice is expensive (73.6 percent) and agricultural commodities price slump (49.4 percent), the sectors with the strain, followed by the Bangkok was 1.92 points and the east was 1.91 points respectively , then why stress is. News of the expensive cost of living And the low level of agricultural prices. Thailand is a major cause of 18.0 percent of the most stressful. It is found among these is the South. And the self-employed owner merchants and farmers.
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