of Parts Speech (take-off, the year, if it was meant to be interpreted directly, that all the parts of speech
equips each other. It's easy to understand if you will be translated, it means that the word which brought hundreds of Essays in a phrase is a phrase used to talk about it or bring it to write a book, came from pars clump of speech.There are 7 types of
Noun (Forest), noun is a word that people use instead of animals where the feeling of things, etc. , such as man, teacher (who), cat, dog (animal), car, pen, (things of) hospital, Station (Place), happiness, sorrow (the feeling)
Pronoun (a process, Forest), คำสรรพนาม is a word used instead of a noun such as I, me,You, he, him, she, her, it, we, US, they, them, etc.
Verb (เวิร์บ) verb is a word that shows action or state such as go, walk, swim, run, is, am, are, has, have, etc.
Adverb (address เวิร์บ) verb Adv. It is the verb that Expand how do I like yesterday,tomorrow, fast, slowly, etc.
Adjective (address Jex คทิฟ) Khun is the term used to steal head noun that look like or what such as tall, short, fat, thin, white, black, far, near, etc.
Conjunction (จั๊ง application icon), a connective word is a word that connects words, phrases, such as, or a fully formed sentence in and, but, or, for, so, etc.
Preposition (เพร็บ of Casino, application), a word is found, the word used to indicate the relationship of the word or phrase in a sentence, such as in, on, at, to, by, from, etc.
Interjection (Internet อะ่ Jex, the puff application), the exclamations, is a word that shows the excitement was shocked pain, anger, etc. , such as wow, oh, uh, etc.
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