This contract made between the figures located .............................. ....... ซอย.................ถนน......................... ตำบล/แขวง.....................อำเภอ/เขต...........................จังหวัด.............................................................ซึ่งต่อไปนี้ In the contract, referred to as "employment" one company, ozone generation (Thailand) co., Ltd. is located in the Office of the No. 92/20 SOI nuannoi road, klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, which in this contract, called a "contractors", one by .................................... ลงวันที่ …....................................... A representative for the contract to provide ozone, which is appointed. Attach the end of this contract, both parties agree to contract with the text.Any of the following: 1. employment service agreement and service agreement contractors to install 7000 mg. ozone A7K/hr sizes number .................. The machine, which is a product of the nation States. The details displayed by the image and the information attached to the end of the receipt with the number of machines that are part of this contract. The service contracts provide scheduled service to 36 months starting from the date of the month ........... .......... since .................... ................... to date ................ months since insurgents willing to employ ................. install a 2 month in advance of the ozone production date of the contract. 2. the employers agreed to pay for the application form provided to contractors on a monthly basis by the application form to the value calculated from the installation of the machine. Rate per machine per month (...............................................................) .................. to include value added tax (VAT) and all expenses. By deducting payments through the bank account of the employment. By maintenance contractor will continue without expenses, in addition to the per-machine, with the exception of waste or corruption that are not related to lifetime, where employers are required to pay expenses, repairs, and the actual device. ข้อ 3. ผู้ว่าจ้างจะไม่แก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลงและไม่เคลื่อนย้ายเครื่องออกจากสถานที่ ตามที่อยู่ที่ได้ให้ในวันที่ติดตั้ง ยกเว้นจะแจ้งเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษรภายใน 7 วันก่อนการขนย้าย การติดตั้งในที่แห่งใหม่ หรือ ติดตั้งอีกครั้งในเครื่องเดิม จะมีค่าใช้จ่าย ตามแต่ที่จะเกิดขึ้นจริง 4. the contractor must make, transport and install ozone this contract was complete, as defined in the contract deals. 1. this contract property In a way, ready to use, as determined at the date month .............................................................................. ................... ......................... since ........... that contractors who supply components, with a specific device that is used in the installation contractor is fully finished. Without preparation, ready to install. 5. the contractor has the right to change the machine size 7000 mg. ozone A7K/hr is a different version of the ozone and are similar in size and use of some or all of the electrical equipment. If there are cases that require changes to the.6. a message employers are responsible for maintenance of the machines, ozone, is in good condition, always, and if there is a repair resulting from negligence. Employers are required to pay for repairs, but is caused by the breakdown and malfunction from the machine. Contractors will repair or replace a new machine, available to supply technicians who have the expertise and craftsmanship are coming to monitor maintenance and repair, fix engine, ozone lifetime service. Verse 7. Contractor shall guide and recommend the use of a method that is assigned with signature know to understand. 8. in case of a defective machine message bug does not work normally. Contractors will be required to provide technicians with the knowledge and skills to repair, good management is in good condition as usual. Upon receiving notice from employment or who has been assigned by the contractor. By the contractor will need to start, manage, edit, repair within 3 working days to receive notice from the employer or a person who has been assigned by the employer and to use the same sample must not exceed 72 hours late from the time it receives notification from the employment. 9. in the case of a defective machine message bug does not work correctly, and may indicated that the contractor was not in good repair, and may also cause damage as well as employment, employers inform the contractor in writing, supply quality products and the ability to use no less than the original's, employers use instead of within 3 working days since the date of employment. 10. the message at any time of life, these employers agree to ozone, contractor, or agent of the contractor access to monitoring ozone machine maintenance scheduled overtime. You must notify or contact with employers notice prior. 10. for this employment contracts have been awarded money application form in advance, per machine. By calculation according to the clearing service Thailand krung, Rama 9 SOI 13 branch number. 076 601 9225076 601 9225 cash/bank check number ............................................ ........................................ date total amount ................................... ........................................บาท (..........................................................) มามอบไว้แก่ผู้รับจ้าง 12. user messages are employed to guarantee or guarantee funds ............ baht to damage of the ozone machine. Verse 13. employers must be responsible for damaged or lost when fire or theft ozone machine. 14. during the age of the service contract. Prohibit employment contract or proprietary rights on transfer machines, ozone, or moving to another service person, unless a consent from the contractor before. 15. the message if the message does not follow the contract of hiring one. Contractor is entitled to dismiss. By the contractor will hire contract cancellation notice in writing not less than 7 working days and will not refund the application form fee in advance. 16. the text when a contract ends, whether to dismiss or due time.
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