The gold is more as the eldest son of brother. 7 people of father and mother earth Lun is the current age fifty years. Currently living here. With the 12th house was played under 22-23 moss อ.ปราสาท Surin
.After the end of compulsory education at that time. The gold out help family farming and rural life since then
.Until in the young age 22 years gold change life as "naihoi" trade ควายอยู่ that province, but only one year. Fall back to the original life.๒๕๓๖. Married with her success compared to more have sons and daughters a total of 3 people
the agriculture before year ๒๕๓๔ family of gold farming still single. But afterwards, when the project assistant.To buy rice village. The house is of the rice sea motor elsewhere are not soft rice And persuade people to turn their emphasis on self-reliance, as much as possible. Use of raw materials in nature, such as manureWithout relying on external factors of fertilizer or pesticide
.Practice in this way, in addition to the soil quality better. Farmers have also free from chemicals. Another is the key. Considered to reduce production costs to the company into the pilot project
.Over the years, 2002 facedby gold participated in the pilot project. The gold live and farm lands, in the same divided is home to one task and the area to participate. 12 acres, in addition to the thenTwenty acres
joining pilot project. Make a chance to study of the successful examples from farming, naturalOrganic field, many people like you words Duong, taxes, local scholars, which has been recognized as a practitioner of the era, กิ่งอำเภอแคนดง. .Ram the father Chiang, Thai, sage researchers villagers from sikhoraphum District in Surin Province, see, touch, talk, exchange of experience. The concept of unit applied to the farmland of self
.In addition to the knowledge and experience gained from the project, a variety of both direct and indirect. To help support other inputs that get is Receive funding subsidies for development of water resources for agriculture.
in their land of gold, and a well number 3 pond, which is sufficient for farmers throughout the year. Implement agricultural production circulation for household consumption throughout the year!Vegetables, some, lemon grass, basil, thyme, pepper, ginger, etc., and fruit trees like mango, banana, and กะท้อน has to reap it switched turnover in each season. Only then sold the income to the family in another way.
more importantly, gold can be on the fruit of some kind. The inhabitants of Surin generally believed that never grow, that is "Norman A. ward."
.The gold and the family can harvest consumed in 3 years. This is another success of farmers. The broken wall beliefs of public. By practice and attention, which means.
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