Pipette ongpen outdoor sports categories, one of which has come from prehistory. The exact history is not recorded, but there is evidence from the narrative tradition of succession that originates in a country, Greece. Around 2000 BC, by collecting stones from the mountains and spheres as an under the sea play together. Later, their widespread child sports into Europe. When the Western Roman Empire, power, and took possession of the lands of the Greeks discover success. The Romans have used this testing sport are, and of men in those days. When the Roman Empire took possession of the soil. Dan Golden, or nationals of countries currently in France. The Romans took it to play this type of into the blue ball, published in the South of the country. France to play ball so prescriptive, have developed by using solid wood and then use a sphere as thak, nails, tokrop to add the weight of the ball, with suitable tool. In the middle ages, playing ball, blue, this is played widely in the country, France. Napo in the reign of lianomharat protection authority He had announced to play ball blue, this is France's national sport and provide opportunities for the general public. Play ball blue, so this has been getting better ever since, until the naming game this sport played with so many different subjects, such as the Blue-Blue reflection, but Liz is rockin rider ne yo, the blue and blue-Pro rawang Salle etc. Finally, France has established the "International Federation of petanque and Pro rawang Salle" in 2481 (1938), then the total number of members, it gradually increases with individuals at all levels in all genders. Members of all ages. Prescriptive balls used to play, it has invented a ball made of steel alloys. Inside the hollow. To play so have fun geeky. After World War II, the sport blue balls-Pro rawang za mails have to modify this popular new play and has widely according to various towns rapidly across the country, as well as the colonial territories of France France too.
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