Thesis system small crops by remote control was developed to create a cabinet-grown vegetables, micro greens. The space-saving planting. Easy to maintain the planted area. Can grow in a limited space. You can make money by using a temperature sensor + humidity DHT22 DS3231 Module is a module clock. In scheduling the installation of LED grow light and display on the screen i2c size 16x2 mm, which is controlled by a computer. Android and web browser. The system is available wireless networks and the Internet. By using the Internet of thing to communicate with the device's baud Arduino Uno, which will enable us to control electrical appliances have
testing showed. Controls the operation of container-grown vegetables, micro greens can control the on - off function. The system administrator vegetables each well. The display and control it with a web browser and application functionality on Android. From testing to control the entire system can be controlled around 4 100 percent.
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