If you say morning honey. Some people may think it is just remove.Honey is offering many monks only, but it was not to be.Exactly because of the morning that honey has been difficult to find any merit in the.15. date of month 10, the same as merit for God in General, that is, as.Mon people by merit-making all morning, it will bring rice, rice. The various dishes. Ma was indispensable and was the hero in this job, "pure honey" Scottish, Mon.Bring a priest with immense faith in today raengkla enough for it to be prepared in the morning, remove.It is the same as usual, but it is there will be another bat or other container that can include honey, come.Paste evenly with the honey in the morning by separate from anything else. Do not combine with rice orWith any type of latter then the time when villagers are preparing to bring the honey. In most cases, theIt will be put in a container it came in, or may be, narrow mouth bottle, then put it to draw.Honey, put into bat, each morning, or that clearly enjoyed each morning until.Characteristics of the morning, honey, it's similar to morning by placing rice or.Other foods, but that a different type of food from grain and honey is exerted by.Such a tradition, it has inherited the tradition of Mon, do so well.As a tradition, one of the villagers expressed faith in Buddhism and more importantly.It is faith in Jesus color phrases. There's a very lucky ' Arhat
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