Page 14-11
123 books, January 25, 2006 Government Gazette episodes
industry Ministry matters. Disposal of sewage or other materials that are not used and relied on power
2548 (2005) in verse 13 (3) of the rules of issue 2 (August 10, 2535 (1992)) issued by
Act 2535 (1992) factory is the Act that has some provisions regarding restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the person
section 29 to 35, section 50 of the Constitution article 48 article
.National Thai Kingdom. The law prohibits by law's provisions relied on power. The Minister declared the Ministry of industry issued
Following this announcement, 1 message
effective with the factory-factory Act 2535 (1992)
.Both are located outside the County, and in industrial estates. Industrial estates and factories have been promoting
investment Act to promote investment, 2520 (1977)
2 message, cancel the industry Ministry (6 BC. 2540 (1997)) and 1
announcement, the Ministry of industry (2541 (1998)) concerning the disposal of sewage, or material that is no longer in use, and the Ministry of industry's announcement eliminates
sewage or materials that are not used (more), 2547 (2004) out on
Act 2535 (1992) factory and use this instead of the original 3 announcements in this post
"sewage or materials that are not used.", it means that all of the dead or of all the waste that occurs
.From plant operations including waste material from the waste that occurs in the production process of the waste that is a product of quality deterioration and
wastewater that contains an element or have malicious features
."Hazardous waste" means sewage or material that doesn't have an element or chemical contamination or dangerous properties that
is dangerous as defined in Appendix 2 at the end of this post
."Managing sewage or materials that are not used.", it means that the treatment of destructive effect it eliminates
distributed. Exchanging or bringing back a new utilization in various formats including catchment stores
so so."They initiate sewage or materials that are not used.", it means that the plant operations
and causing sewage or materials that are not used in the occupied.
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