This project has been designing and creating. A pressure measuring instrument of the PA to rip rip Reed Super, Super shaman in the bird section of the press type for use with the taper offset printers, Bikini. The objective is to create a tool that is used for measuring and checking the consistency of PA Reed rip Super pressure. To measure the pressure of the Reed-throwing Super rip, dovetail with wax paper, paper chemicals to measure and then draws by using a sense of craftsmanship, or triple the worker makes a super grip the pressure area has somewhat unequal, and it takes a long time to adjust to cause problems by.So has developed a measurement tool that can measure the pressure of PA Super consistent and rip Reed, takes in the quick settings. Test for measuring the pressure of the Pai Kok I rip rip Super bird wallpaper printer offset. Tapered bikini The trial results. A pressure measuring instrument of Pai Kok, Super rip created. Can use.
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