Basic knowledge about the relationship between the countries. Chapter 1.Chapter 1.Introduction.They have little Christopher (Aristotle), Narita-pran when the ancient Greeks 400 - 300 BC that ", man is a social animal". (Wikipedia 2011), surely suggests that humans cannot alone alone. Humans must live together as a group to help, each other. Or to create prosperity in society in addition to contact between humans within the same group or society since ancient. Civilization era. Humans also communicate with other societies, and associations such as the ancient, Chinese civilization. As depicted in the Silk Road or silk route (Silk Road), the Chinese people have contact with foreign trade. By using the. Land route to travel through the country to Central Asia and Europe to end the relationship that occurs does not occur only. On the trade dimension. But it also appears in other dimensions such as culture religion political,,,,,, diplomatic social In, addition Arthur a. (Arthur A. Nussbaum) Bumblebee NUS and Frank w Russell (Russell W. Frank) says the man has written. To international relations for a period of more than four thousand years ago the serene ratanasuwan sector rot (2542 Page,,, 7).This book contains content related to international relations in the field of General knowledge. Concept The theory of. Factors that determine the behaviour relationships actions,,, used tools in the relationship. Foreign Affairs of Thailand. The relationship between the country with the nation-State Thailand to give the reader an understanding about the relationship. Between the countries and more, even, last, the chapter the authors have analyzed the relationship between country situations. In the future.The meaning of.Before understanding the various principles of the relationship between the country. We must know the meaning of the relationship. Between the countries first. The meaning of the relationship between the country. There are 2 implicitly include:1. Subjects of implied.The meaning of the relationship between the countries is considered as one of, the sciences it has a, meaning such as.The, Columbia Encyclopedia 1.1 means "major international relations is the relationship between the nation State education. Relating to politics and the economy in the international system "(The, Columbia Encyclopedia 2005).1.2 Absolute Astronomy Reference says "the major relationships between countries as part of a political, science major. Which is associated with the foreign policy of a nation State within the, international system including the role of the. International Organization (International Organizations: IOs) organization that is not a nation-State (Non-governmental. Organizations: NGOs), and multinational corporation (Multinational Corporations: MNCs) (Absolute, Astronomy Reference 2005).1.3 Wikipedia Encyclopedia definition that "major international relations Study on the relationship between foreign events. And the relationship between the nation State within the system between all the countries including the, role of the nation. State the Interstate, Organization (Inter-governmental organizations: IGOs), international non-State Organization (International. Non-governmental organizations: INGOs) organisation that does not. Help state (Non-governmental organizations: NGOs), and multinational. Corporation (multi-nation Corporations: MNCs) by dividing the study into two major principles include the academic and public. Policy with the primary education pathatthan is a style 2 (Normative) or base (Positive) interaction with various principles. Of analysis can be made into a foreign policy. For the study of international relations is the branch of political science. Major to seize the main UK science education Wikipedia 2011 "(,).It can be seen that all three of the above, have meaning the meaning of major international, relations department then. As similar enough. And education about subjects usually studied international relations is in a class, of subjects political. Science or political science faculty is most. May conclude that major foreign relations as part of a political, science major. Which is often associated with foreign policy and both the viewer and the nation-State is not the nation-State?2. Implicit behavior.From this meaning as Academics political, relations, science, international different.2.1 w Carl (Karl W. Deutsch), Deutsche said, "is the behaviour and actions of one nation - State toward one nation - State. Without adequate control "(,, Deutsch 1988 P. IX).2.2 w Henderson Conway (Conway W. Henderson), means "education who has what when and how all that relates to the Viewer. As, a nation-State and that not all the nation-State "(,, Henderson 1998 P. 27).2.3 s Goldstein Joshua (Joshua S. Goldstein) States that "the relationship between the countries would be interested to. Learn about the relationship between the national Government of the nation-State as a member of the, United Nations but. These relationships e.
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