4. when the silicone rubber is dry, and then define a split template on the front and back by taking the clay statue estimated to have come to oil the panels wider 3 cm thick, about 1-2 cm. press the split line, vertical, in the middle of the sides between the front and rear through the left side to the right base.5. when the ground of oil with silicone rubber. Make a dress using wood finishing oil, dirt, smooth and thin as possible (ground glutinous type of oil should I use?)6. use the phone to get tore up 450 fiberglass size according to prepared and mixed the Li Xin toere s + 2%-1 catalytic laeokuan together, and then insert the stylus Mono green 10-15% to polyester resin too viscous namai. Laeokuan together, and then enter a work hardening at a rate of 0.5-2% of the weight polyester toere Xin. Laeokuan together7. use a brush dipped polyester resin mix. Over the surface of the silicone rubber that coated the front of the template, and then place the fiberglass over the resin onto the tear he dipped brush is polyester resin has been transcribed, transcribed at natha around make sure fiberglass stick with silicone rubber. If you want to duplicate Takase, thickness 2-3 layers.8. let the resin for nahaeng Takes approximately 30 minutes using a knife, trim the edges of the fiberglass models already derived wait another 2 hours until very dry.9. pull the oil out of the ground, and then use the brush to soak cleaners PVA (liquid crack model) at the side of the wing that fiberglass oil sadan ground. The TA is approximately 2 times, and then let dry.10. place fiberglass sadan back with polyester resin compound and silicone skin on the back of the template and paste it over the fiberglass and polyester painted toere-nathap. Repeat 2-3 thickness to keep the floor for about 30 minutes, then began using resin, solid edge cutter, always with the edge for their first steps.11. when dry, use a hole drill wing. So it is not needed for entering into a catch or a molded plywood. After drilling, then removing templates using the breast service, fiberglass or blow wind rock screwdrivers, separated from each other.12. When unplugging, templates, template, remove the following fiberglass, rubber, silicone, to strip out the template from the template is a template to silicone rubber.Procedures for casting pieces from the template.1. apply silicone made, and then put resin mix. Pour into a mold silicone rubber by gently pouring, rolling across the template will need to mesh with fiberglass sadan in addition to aid in capturing the strong. When resin nahaeng.2. to provide material, such as sand, paint, scraps of banknotes, or colors to blend into the resin. And then people keep pouring into the compatible template again. So full of work pieces and leave the silicone resin nahaeng.3. Remove template from resin cast parts and trim complete skin as needed.Caution1. brush or a brush to dip with the resin. Must wipe with paper and soak in acetone every time, otherwise the brush can be used once.2. mix resin. Using the ratio of resin + catalyst reaction 0.5-2% of the weight resin. Stir together + color + Mono + green stylus made stiff 1-2% of the mix, stir together at each step. If you want to clear, then do not enter the paint, if you do not want to concentrate, don't put the Mono.3. stir fry should slowly stir will cause minimal bubbles.Casting material.Before describing the production, we need to know about the material before it, in order to know the properties and works correctly whether the duties of what it had before buying should tell people that what kind of implementation.1. s nami polymers toere resin resin base (resin fiber grade) and iphok resin (resin heat resistant type) I'd call that a simple plastic resin is one of the most popular uses of the fiberglass body work. When they are not implemented, there is a condition similar to the condensed liquid engine oil vehicle has more spiciness. When mixing chemicals to cause clotting up the shape.2. the worker is Mono a stylish pattern resin resin failed to happen more. How to use Mono stylish Green Use additional mixed into the resin and gel lakhot, more liquid ingredients into approx. 10-20 poechen characteristics, there are no colors, smells like resin.3. the violet or the catalysis can make resin curing occurs faster. The reason for mixing the magenta, because if you do not have a purple skirt and shelf life is longer. Purchase time if will be used at all, should I buy a purple compound resin, it is difficult to mix.4. the working stiff as a catalytic When mixed into the resin, and resin will result in clotting. Looks like liquid water. There is no odor is acid. caution do not let the donowaiwa of the body because it is very dangerous.5. glass fiber This fiberglass work is important because this fiberglass fiberglass is an important factor that makes a very strong. Fiberglass has many different shapes of the same type, but it is to make durable work pieces. Characteristics of glass fiber Long lines. A short line railway as a knitting as a general-use it as a short line plots to make a strong recommendation to use fiberglass woven fabric-like type.Caution fiberglass is toxic at work should wear clothes, close the water-dampened cloth nose because if you breathe, it is the toxic residues to cause cancer.7. j-lakhot is the best facial details storage of fiberglass. Can store details of how good the product surface j lakhot? J lakhot + magenta + hard work + resin color.8. paint color resin compound into the resin, so accustomed to seeing sharp detail pattern.9. pharmaceutical water clear resin or acetone Looks like there are strong spiciness odor nathin hand banner. Use clean resin when finished. Keep in mind do not use acetone mix resin marketed because they are damaged.10. scrub the wax used to scrub clean as it is the same type of car paint polishing polishing sealing Ya Ya white polished red.11. liquid removal pva or Used for smearing a template to make removal easy. If you're using this kind of cracking up during the and templates. A simple call that p wie looks as colorless liquid used to spray or Vaseline thin dry dry fast enough, the template will be some disc. When was water soluble and will not melt if it is resin? If the concentrate to alcoholic beverages. Use the last primer before Ta j lakhot12. remove the wax has been working as cleaners, hand cleaners should be used in the new uniform uniform better than.13. metal detailed cam white powder is used to make resin composite primer.Formation material forming14. Yuri pour notpe
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