The botanical growing vines planted by Like soil fertility and staph. Withstand drought better Fit in the growing season is the rainy season. Time to grow as a vine cuttings rooted and then planted. Then a pole climbers Should care about water and pests. Pepper is an herb that is used in the industry. Traditional medicine is about 5000 - 7000 kg / year grown in central Thailand. This is one of the herbs that are in the plan. Developed to deliver the goods to Edit pepper, dried fruit, dried using a drug. By collecting the results are not yet ripe. Dry, spicy, bitter properties carminative, tonic element colic which scientific data pepper consists of "Al alkaloids" called Piperine about 4 - 6% chavicine, oil, onion, 1%, according to the study. Research has shown that Strange use of drugs used to treat disorders of the digestive system disorders, flatulence, bloated elements because pepper is the dried fruit of the pepper oil. Used to treat the symptoms of indigestion and abdominal pain. As well as to relieve nausea and vomiting The elements that are not typical. By using the old dried 1 handful (about 10-15 flowers) Boil some water to drink. If not, use a vine flower pot instead of cough and sputum. Use about half of the dry fruit. Drizzle with lemon juice, salt pan in the neck or sippy addition. The dried pepper is used as a spice in cooking it.
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