Dear, Team
With the recent release, of RH2PS the new white rhodium for pen plating it completes, our offering of 3 different. White codes applicable by pen. We have felt it necessary to compile a document that identifies the best type of pen rhodium. To offer for, different situations point out advantages, in each& reference similar codes available in the market in the case where you are trying to take business from different, competitors. Our hope is that by listening to the, customers needs the document can help you identify the selling point by identifying. The proper code for the, particular customer in a particular situation.
.For additional knowledge related to how the products are different on a chemical level the document, covers the different. Organic elements within each of the products in brief while explaining the purpose of each of the additives.
Please note. That this is an internal document only to be used to educate our team. A commercial document will be created and available. On request.
.We are here if you have any, The Plating Division questions
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