Each person will have different moods happen a lot may be satisfaction, anger, ความร่าเริง, pain, disappointment, because all individuals. In a situation. The person shall be under the stimuli (stimulus).(experience) that he had made the mood change back and forth. Which emotions in such a manner, this will influence the behavior of individuals, as can be seen from the กรณีที่คุณพ่อ one is always the youngest daughter 15 years old. Home, due to the club.Fear of danger. I hear the phone, so hurry to get sound daughter said about two o'clock come back home. You will feel comfortable, loosen your concern, but at midnight, and daughter hasn't come back yet. I feel frustrated, angry.So hurry to open the door. See my daughter back, the mood changes are glad, fear that the danger has gone, but may still mad because of be late too. And may sleep angry night.
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