"Hello, Touch Pad is a monument of love, the greatest of the world because here is a sepulcher of Queen's corner touch pad, to laugh at the pitfalls of love, the more it is in the city of God ชาห์เยฮัน on the bank of the river Jumna India
At the Taj was his wife ชาห์เยฮัน love God most and she died because she bare a son, 15, and he was very sad ชาห์เยฮัน God created the _Upper Case the grave, most of the world, the river Jumna
built during the year B.E. 2173 - 2191.1630 - 1648.) waste generated is 23 years ago, in the marble white pure Persian architecture by the Architect, it was Tad (Ustad lsa), there is a common thread was created as a black and white design brick limestone!It was a carved interior decor, 20,000, an object in the construction is of white marble, marble มะค from the city from the city red sofa, marble hit town, yellow from the river นรภัทฑ์ cat's eye from Baghdad, coral and pearl oyster from the Indian Oceanfrom end of town, on a diamond ทลขัณฑ์ money. Construction 50.000,000 American dollars or approximately 1,000,000,000 Baht
which has been certified by the Architect worldwide that has been built by the proportion and most artistically wider each side of 39 meters (130 ft) in the middle with a high dome 60 meters (200 ft) with a small dome, high-angle, both within 4 decorativeprecious stones Ruby color and Nile Tilapia in the middle under a huge dome stand a coffin with a marble, and there is a pattern to perforate scene marble shine against another floor, but was not really boxed in the ark.After creating the touch pad gel Bohan Eleazar, "Hello dream to create a buried himself against the side of the river will be a black marble, but purely to be afraid of his son's money runs out, there will be no use to reign when he took his father died his cell is 7 years.The body.Prof. (C. B.E.1666 ), and then taking the body to bury her dead body beside the Mr. designer, he was ordered to kill him to prevent any construction design is an opportunity more than a beautiful.
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