Dust. Carbon smoke air pollution as the country's main Thai thaphem khetkrung, both in the past Han monkhon khopri dozens years. Dust pollution particles are substances that cause irritation to respiratory especially particulates smaller than. Micron will have severe effects on the lungs, chronic inflammation can also cause lung pain or sudden. By people who are Allergy Asthma is severe dust problems ฎอาการ in Prague has been continuously modified since excess 10 times in the year 2535 (1992) (3.3 mg/cubic metres) until the present time, there are an average of no more than the standard value is 0.10 mg/cubic metres in the year 2545 (2002) (standard value = 0.33 mg/cubic meter)
.The variable quantity of dust in the atmosphere tend to vary according to economic and development activities made by men, such as the construction of large projects, including the traffic problems. : Bangkok So dust in the atmosphere has increased continuously. Since the year-2532 (1989), etc.. With the highest value in the year 2535 (1992) and reduce the level of the year 2536 (1993)-2537 (1994) when a special Expressway construction step 1 completed. 2538 (1995)-2539 (1996), which is the time when the economy is booming, the construction project that produces a lot of dust, like a special Expressway construction project step 2 sky train construction project is thana Yong (BTS) Skytrain project home pawen. And traffic density in the area of the floor, Bangkok.
To fix dust has begun since the year 2538 (1995) concretely, by a Board of directors appointed air pollution problems in Bangkok and Thai communities in the country held in connection with the urgent action plan. Based on the 3 main reasons:
2) ventilation control) reduces the origin and
3) PR
.These actions have caused pollution detection, there are cars that exceed the standards. Monitoring of construction, building roads and mass transit systems, there is a practice not causing problems to spread distribution of dust. Staffing & car wash, sweep and vacuum the dirt road on the ground continued, including improving concrete walkways. Organizing hapre/Panel to float and to grow groundcover in the space on the island in the middle of the road. As well as organizing publicity and participation of the public in order to reduce the amount of dust. There is also oil-improving the quality of diesel black smoke ventilation makes of car are reduced. 2540 (1997)-2541 (1998) and the Government has strict management measures to keep the trend of dust in the atmosphere has declined continuously until today.
However, although these problems will be resolved, although highly successful in one level, however, some areas of Bangkok still has the problem space dust. And there is a bus service, especially the private sector can participate in lack of maintenance of the engine. Go to run, and has black smoke coming out of vent large quantities, as a result, at the side of the road, there are still areas of high dust in layer. (Smaller than 10 micron) The excess levels in several areas, including Bangkok and Samut prakan, saraburi province, etc. Therefore, the problem in the dust is a major problem in Bangkok. In the vicinity of The State will need to fix makes
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