More importantly, the effect of the adjuvant being associated with
the fundic region of the stomach could have serious consequences
as growth may be retarded and/or feed intake and digestibility be
impeded (Poppe and Breck, 1997; Midtlyng and Lillehaug, 1998;
Sørum and Damsgård, 2004). Side-effects of injectable vaccines
with oil adjuvants have been widely reported and are undesirable
as they reduce flesh quality and raise questions over animal welfare
(Poppe et al., 2002; Koppang et al., 2005). The need for oil adjuvants
may be reduced in the future through further investigation into the
antigenic properties of T. maritimum and development of vaccine
types and administration techniques. While a classical adjuvant was
tested in the current study, for a commercial vaccine, new commercial
adjuvants should be evaluated. There is a move towards using nonmineral
oil adjuvants such as Montanide oil (Lund et al., 2003; Ravelo
et al., 2006). The results from this study are an initial step towards
vaccine development for Atlantic salmon against marine flexibacteriosis
and provide a basis from which further investigation can be
More importantly, the effect of the adjuvant being associated withthe fundic region of the stomach could have serious consequencesas growth may be retarded and/or feed intake and digestibility beimpeded (Poppe and Breck, 1997; Midtlyng and Lillehaug, 1998;Sørum and Damsgård, 2004). Side-effects of injectable vaccineswith oil adjuvants have been widely reported and are undesirableas they reduce flesh quality and raise questions over animal welfare(Poppe et al., 2002; Koppang et al., 2005). The need for oil adjuvantsmay be reduced in the future through further investigation into theantigenic properties of T. maritimum and development of vaccinetypes and administration techniques. While a classical adjuvant wastested in the current study, for a commercial vaccine, new commercialadjuvants should be evaluated. There is a move towards using nonmineraloil adjuvants such as Montanide oil (Lund et al., 2003; Raveloet al., 2006). The results from this study are an initial step towardsvaccine development for Atlantic salmon against marine flexibacteriosisand provide a basis from which further investigation can beundertaken.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
More importantly, The Effect of The adjuvant being Associated with
The Fundição region of The stomach could Have Serious Consequences
As growth May be Retarded and / or Feed Intake and Digestibility be
impeded (Poppe and Breck, 1997th; Midtlyng and Lillehaug, the 1998th;
Sørum and. Damsgård, 2004). Side-effects of injectable Vaccines
with Oil adjuvants Have been widely and are undesirable Reported
As they Flesh Quality and Reduce Raise Questions over Animal Welfare
(Poppe et AL., two thousand and two; Koppang et AL., 2005). The Need for Oil adjuvants
May be reduced in Further Investigation Into The Future Through The
antigenic Properties of T. maritimum and Development of Vaccine
Administration types and Techniques. While a Classical adjuvant was
tested in The current Study, for a Commercial Vaccine, New Commercial
adjuvants should be evaluated. There is a move towards using Nonmineral
Oil Montanide adjuvants Such As Oil (Lund et AL., the 2003rd; Ravelo
et AL., the 2006th). The results from this Study are an Initial Step towards
Vaccine Development for Atlantic Salmon Against Marine Flexibacteriosis
and provide a BASIS from which Further Investigation Can be
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
More importantly the effect, of the adjuvant being associated with
the fundic region of the stomach could have serious. Consequences
as growth may be retarded and / or feed intake and digestibility be
impeded (Poppe, and Breck 1997; Midtlyng. And, Lillehaug 1998;
S ø rum and Damsg, å Rd 2004). Side-effects of injectable vaccines
with oil adjuvants have been widely. Reported and are undesirable
.As they reduce flesh quality and raise questions over animal welfare
(Poppe et al, 2002; Koppang et al, 2005). The need. For oil adjuvants
may be reduced in the future through further investigation into the
antigenic properties of T. Maritimum. And development of vaccine
types and administration techniques. While a classical adjuvant was
tested in the, current study. For a, commercial vaccineNew commercial
adjuvants should be evaluated. There is a move towards using nonmineral
oil adjuvants such as Montanide. Oil (Lund et al, 2003; Ravelo
et al, 2006). The results from this study are an initial step towards
vaccine development. For Atlantic salmon against marine flexibacteriosis
and provide a basis from which further investigation can undertaken be
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..