Project "blue-light projector to treat neonatal yellowing disease" is to design and build devices to treat jaundice of newborn children with lip Rubin soluble in water; Which cannot be eliminated, it must have a method of treatment to make the bilirubin is not soluble excreted in order not to affect babies is cerebral palsy must therefore be made light, reacting bilirubin cause melting or driving out of the body by defecation, such as urine. NARA Jaya made Osama has done the research and development of machine with blue light, which has a working system is light blue with a wavelength range that maintains and uses sensors to measure temperature and heart rate with Arduino and use the display on the screen and the led returns.Saved into the Thingspeak Temple which is Phatform as a storage provider Services that slender and displayed as graphs to analyze change and timer 2 hour exposures. To make the bus alerts to let know that the time to maturity, the exposure to flip or feeding children. Also, the external structure designed to suit most applications.
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