.A kind of fruit. The result tastes sour in Citrus (Citrus) the green when ripe, will เป็นสีเหลือง, thin crust within the meat divided petals. Juicy fruit, is valuable, used as a seasoning.The lemon typically have a diameter about 4 - 4.5 cm, lemon tree is a dwarf shrub, full of stories 5 meters high stem thorn little present usually leaves and leaf length, slightly tapered like the flower leaves orange yellowish white. Normally have fruits throughout the year, but in the dry season. The fruit less and have expired.The people in this region to know and make use of lemon for a long time. Lemonade sour food seasoning but in many types. Also used as a beverage mixed with salt and sugar, lemon juice, which is well known both in Thailand.Also, some kinds of alcohol also popular lemon slice into thin pieces, plug it with glass edge to the flavor of
.In the lemon essential oil to 7% but doesn't smell like lime. Lemonade is useful for use as an ingredient cleaning incense, and removal of a smell (aromatherapy) or not. The important features.About century 19) is to prevent and cure scurvy. This was the problem of the sailor for a long time. Later it is discovered that the cause that lemon juice can help prevent scurvy.Lemon essential oils that smell fresh. Because the components of compound citronellal (macro). Citronellal เนลลิ al acetate (Citronellyl Acetate) limonene linalool (Limonene) (Linalool). Thermal พีนี ool (Terpeneol), etc., as well as the acid citric acid Acid) (Citric Malik (Malic Acid).(Ascorbic Acid), which is the fruit acid (AHA:Alpha Hydroxy Acids) group. It is accepted that allows the surface degradation, peeling off, along with stimulate the creation of new cells. Help dark spots or scars fade
.Lemon fruit with organic acid types such as citric acid, malic acid, vitamin C, lime juice, and essential oil from lemon skin with vitamin A. And C the calcium and phosphorus than the lemonade.Expectorant cough scurvy swollen gums
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