Happiness at workThe concept of happiness in your work, as well as Siri. I mail to 2550 (2007) Phot (sharp dagger U.s rawet, 2554 (2011): 7) Working happily (Happiness at the Workplace) means that. Conditions in which all employees feel happy with the work. Work as not feel ourselves. Work and work that is coming out is efficient and meets the goals that put both employees and the Organization, which consists of five factors, together, are the leaders of the Coalition (Leaderships) and colleagues (Friendships) love on the job (Job Inspiration) shared values of an organization (the Organization Share Value) and the quality of working life (Quality of Work Life) 1. the leader (Leadership) means those services or enterprise level head that looks promotional, or create, an employee was working happily. Create a good feeling to come up with a team under assignment. Motivation to create a sense of awareness Create a desire to work on a regular basis. You'll also need to establish a two-way communication. 2. workplace relationships (Relationship at workplace) means that there is interaction (Interaction) in the workplace between colleagues with common characteristics of such relations is bound to demonstrate within the group, the Group of mutual tolerance. 3. love on the job (Job Characteristics) means that one of the things that people do to make their tasks have been assigned their goals or objectives that have been laid down by the person who performed such activities with satisfaction the activities that make their own. 4. the values of an organization (the Organization Share Value) means that the behavior of people in organizations based on a shared common practices and behaviour to continue until a corporate culture. 5. quality of life at work (Quality of Work Life) refers to the relationship of the element 3 in the working environment is employee involvement and awareness of work which are factors that influence the Organization and staff members in order to find the point where promoters provide the satisfaction sharing so that employees with high work efficiency as possible. The concept of happiness in the work of the Diener (2003 came Kris images referenced in rawet, 2554 (2011): 8) aims to describe factors or elements of happiness that is satisfied in life. The main goal of satisfaction of life, as well as experience in life, they are less negative emotion. People who are happy occur from different factors, such as age, income, environmental conditions that affect a person's requirements, satisfaction in life bring joy, as follows: 1. satisfaction in life (Life Satisfaction) means that the person is satisfied in what is done and the self. There is a reasonable hope with a goal of life corresponds to reality. Be performed according to the intention Reasonable understanding and accepting what is happening without the need for adaptation. 2. job satisfaction (Satisfaction Work) mean that a person has done in their love and appreciate the environment in which are involved in the work are happy when the task is performed according to accomplish goals. And cause you to benefit themselves and society. 3. อารมณ์ทางบวก (Positive Effect) หมายถึง การที่บุคคลมีความรู้สึกเป็นสุขกับสิ่งที่ดีสนุกสนานกับการทำงาน ยิ้มแย้มสดใสกับการทำงาน เลื่อมใสศรัทธาในสิ่งที่ตนกระทำรับรู้ถึงความดีงามและคุณประโยชน์ของงานที่กระทำ 4. อารมณ์ทางลบ (Negative Effect) หมายถึง การที่บุคคลมีอารมณ์ความรู้สึกที่เป็นทุกข์กับสิ่งไม่ดีที่เกิดขึ้นในการทำงาน เช่น คับข้องใจเบื่อหน่ายไม่สบายใจเมื่อเห็นการกระทำที่ไม่ถูกต้องอยากปรับปรุงแก้ไขให้ดีขึ้นเพื่อสนองความต้องการของตนให้มีความสุข It is a pleasure to work, meaning that the feeling that occurs within the minds of individuals experienced in response to work. Occurs while running a fun at work Enjoy and have a passion for the work, which consists of three factors: the leaders of the Coalition (Leaderships) and colleagues (Friendships) and feel in love with the job (Job Inspiration)
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