The meaning of "the candle".More information: If you translate the meaning according to the letter, it is the flower that has a beautiful delicate posture. This was originally called fragrapanti wood is a tropical Woody seen in General copious red, pink and white wooden house's original name for this most people understand this word comes from the word from which means grief, it's not a favor to plant in your home or a residential area but there are those who actually have a genuine knowledge of the language in Thailand mentioned the word fragrapanti.Fragrapanti, the so-called traditional means. The individual, sadness and happiness, so that fragrapanti is actually a real mix from one of the first means by thom + broken, discard, and the latter refers to the woes, although the name change comes as the hotel due to the tolerance and understanding, but the new name to the melodious posture of the trunk. There is a myth that comes in different styles, however, this wooden house is based on the universal bitter frang Kee (frangipani) and referred to in General that the twin pool mami (plumeria) The so-called traditional means. The individual, sadness and happiness, so that fragrapanti is actually a real mix from one of the first means by thom + broken, discard, and the latter refers to the woes, although the name change comes as the hotel due to the tolerance and understanding, but the new name to the melodious posture of the trunk. There is a myth that comes in different styles, however, this wooden house is based on the universal bitter frang Kee (frangipani) and referred to in General that the twin pool mami (plumeria)
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