Smile! Attach a recent, good-quality color photo of yourself (head and shoulders). Original photos or color copies must accompany all four sets of the application. Size: 2 x 2 in. (5 x 6.5 cm)
Smile!Attach a recent, good-quality colorphoto of yourself (head and shoulders).Original photos or color copies mustaccompany all four setsof the application.Size: 2 x 2 in. (5 x 6.5 cm)
Smile! Attach a recent, good-quality Color Photo of Yourself (Head and shoulders). Original photos or Color copies must all ACCOMPANY Four sets of the Application. Size: 2 x 2? in. (5 x 6.5 cm).
Smile! Attach, a recent good-quality color photo of yourself (head and shoulders). Original photos or color copies must accompany. All four sets of the application. Size: 2 x 2 in. (5 x 6.5 cm) .