Agriculture is very important to Thailand. Income, most of the countries as a result of agriculture at all. But because the number of the country's population increases. As a result, the construction of buildings, respectively. The area for farming is reduced. Plant hydroponics is another option for planting crops need area much. And the production, in quality and quantity for the needs of the market. By plants in hydroponics. Need to use according to the needs of the plant nutrient solution with replacement soil. But if used in too. Will result in a residue of nitrate in plants. Which is harmful to consumers.Science projects on the efficiency of biological nutrient solution from chicken manure, brown rice germination. And the compost from soybean on the growth of the green Oh a planting technique NFT objectives to compare the efficiency of nutrient solution from chicken manure, biological Brown rice germination. And the compost from soybean on the growth of the green Oh a planting technique. The study found that the efficiency of biological solution from the brown rice germination affect growth เจริญเติบโตของ early green Oh a planting technique, NFT The best average weight of the green Oh a rose is 67.54 grams. Followed by water fertilizer from chicken manure The average weight of the green Oh a rose is 58.90 grams. Organic fertilizer from fermented soybean and could help the green oak grow. Although the biological solution from the brown rice germination affect growth the growth of the green oh คที่ปลูก technique NFT best, but also lower than the mean green Oh a plant with an inorganic or fertilizer. AB an average weight of the green Oh C increased 82.60 grams.
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