Nam NAO National Park, tourists overwhelm the crisis-the air garbage.Nam NAO National Park, tourists overwhelm the crisis-the air garbage. Crisis, Nam NAO National Park. Tourists overwhelm the waste plastic bottle-making all the air-foam quantity is not fully eliminate all landfill added to pop. Wild elephant rummage eat plastic bags. While wild animals eating garbage death The head of the Park reveals there is no statement made furnaces. The Phu kradueng National Park off iron rule, tourists packing plastic bag deposit counter-a bottle of water, apply on the Phu surcharge to keep down. If you don't follow is to confiscate the deposit. The problem with a lot of tourists. ยดย only during the long holiday and new year Festival. With this year's cold weather, the mountains and the various national. Tourists arrive in camp a lot of mainly food and buy some snacks, beverages, come phokrue. Cause a lot of waste. Latest The garbage problem in the tourist attraction has affect Nam NAO National Park. Phetchabun province, which is home to wild animals. While this is affected by the environment. Phamue wild elephants were found to eat plastic bags as garbage overflow or be left with national aspirations of the people who drive to push through. ยดย elephant dung was found beside an artificial mineral lick. Mala water beside the Tower glowing animals. Most plastic bags get mixed in. Elephant dung heap have some rags and plastic bottles are confused. Mr. Kamthon Photwiwanlop Head of the Nam NAO National Park said, and keep the waste in the area of Nam NAO National Park during the Festival and in the long holidays. Waste overflow and cause there are a lot of real. Short people's traveling and accommodations in Nam NAO National Park with a total of 6-7 thousand people มม้ is short, as there are many services came matop nokya result causing environmental problems. There are no national budget to build a waste incinerator using only landfill method. Kamthon said, and Mr. garbage in Nam NAO National Park ฤด้นำถุง waste to travel to points-based tourists bringing down the tank waste, so officials kept from the area of the Park is the hotel accommodation. There are a lot of มต่ because of the waste. Phamue disposal by landfill in the space litter, according to the forest in the National Park. Phacha duties may be garbage down the hole, there is not all forest elephants eat at night. Phacha duty is seen eating the elephant dung, garbage. Mala was to reiterate to the party store makes complete garbage. Do not allow debris left because they could harm the wildlife that eat into. This is the problem with overflow waste until the elephant came out to eat and then a short temporary time mala ภป็น when entering the General waste deficiencies were reduced until it is normal. One elephant expert indicates that wild elephants eat plastic, according to Wildlife Trust is receiving the environmental impact that is going to become a problem in the sectors of the agency responsible for urgent corrective measures will have to be. Elephants eat plastic bags do not affect the digestive system. There's no stomach for only Chang's short bowel. Hakkwang phakong or มต่ is concerned that other animals eat plastic bags into a deadly. These animals have a short time in the stomach when food doesn't Digest may be fatal. For the Nam NAO National Park. With more than 100 elephants forest, the forest condition, Nam NAO National Park has an area of 6 acres of nature reserves in touch with mason territory wildlife, he and green rice phanue 8 shift monkey, Chaiyaphum, mala mason farm tat Mok National Park 4 acres including the space of mason's separate out wild elephants find.Eating at night include approximately 1.8 million acres Each elephant individually for the Horde Horde is 10 characters, the Phu kradueng National Park is another one of the attractions of the province that is popular with tourists. Make the Park limits the number of tourists in the Park per day not exceeding 5000 more people มต่ด้วย the number of tourists visiting many cold atmosphere. What a waste to Phu kradueng, which is known as the source with the abundant wild animals lived. Phanue ngachak geography consists of forests, streams, which is Mead mala abundant food. There are many types of animals, Phu kradueng found the deer forest, including forest elephants, wild pig, so phakong make Phu kradueng National Park and therefore rule out the container with no foam into the national territory. This is to reduce the pollution and the biodegradable waste. It also protects wild animals swallowed foam box. Mrs. Kasemsi Konglasae Head of the PR Department. Phu kradueng National Park, said the Park did not allow phapit box foam glass, plastic foam boxes only tolerated ยดย short time if the animals ate a deadly danger. Some มต่ก็ยัง tourists to smuggle these plastic bags, leading up to the Park, they would have staff garbage every week. Best garbage collected, it will make the wet garbage. Dry waste. ยดย dry waste that has to be burnt in an incinerator in the past, so there are not found that wild animals eat plastic scrap cloth into the phasot aspect of Ms. Phatriphon Komlarat. Phacha volunteers escort duties. Phu kradueng phapit said during new year's weekend-long phachon are a waste of not less than 3,000 tons per day 2000-if there is normal, not that every effort will be made to maintain cleanliness and prevent animals eating garbage plastic bags.The Park has prepared two conscious yokrong to encourage tourists to help maintain cleanliness, is the deposit of yokrong packaging. Volunteer escort mala project Phu kradueng For the packaging deposit project which initiated the project last year 2547 if tourists bring water bottle bags, BBQ. Pastry bag up on the Park, you will count the number of bags of phara mala request deposits. Surcharge, garbage that travelers take to come back. Through the Park to return deposits, มต่ก็มี else tourists do not have garbage back it will be to confiscate deposits. มต่มีไม่มากนัก best volunteer project, Phu kradueng, which began to escort the applicant Agen since 2537 ฤด้ allows travelers who are interested in joining the project. ยดย the project, tourists must be garbage from the mountain action due.
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