Fresh air ' broken-line planning to sports business.Tuesday, December 2 2014 14: 35 p.m. troops land. economic base. Marketing MARKETING MARKETING marketing-columnsFresh air Planning a business expansion next year to market sports preparation, pipeline fittings. With revenue share forecasts show business in the future, reduced 50% 3-year target drawing ahead preparing planning stock exchange. Mr. Winit Loetratnachai Chief Executive Officer the company fresh air festival limited disclosure with "economic base," said the company plans to expand the pipeline of new business and sports marketing, which is a joint venture with business partners, within the next year will see a clear subjective. However, this range is currently negotiating with the World Cup team and is expected to stage the talks is likely to be achieved in the preliminary estimate of first quarter of the year 2558 (2015) "The current revenue comes from business groups show business hotel. 100% but after the sports marketing business. Added, it will result in a high proportion of revenues of the business segment and, of course, only 50% of salot business while the other 50% of the revenue would come from the sports marketing business. In addition, in the period of 3 years, the company plans to fund-raising in the stock exchange, Thai, "he said. Mr. Winit said while business show business sapi page. The company is planning more inclusive business because this business is based on the economic and political conditions, during the past political issues that arise and economic decline. As a result, business, show business, all affected sadai in terms of income and the postponement of concerts and even later this year, although economic conditions are beginning to improve, but in terms of purchasing power and overall better it is still not certain, and rebound much more.This is in the range via the group items using money through show business such as noticeably down salot automobile insurance business group consumer products group and drinks etc. At the same time, next year, the company has targeted earnings in this sector stood at about 500-600 million and after the sports marketing business. Added to the total revenue increase of the company's 1 billion baht. While the company expects revenue this year would be achieved by the target placed over 500 million.สำหรับแผนงานธุรกิจโชว์บิซปีหน้านั้น เตรียมจัดงานรูปแบบใหม่ เป็นกิจกรรมโชว์บิซที่สามารถจัดได้ต่อเนื่องยาว 3-4 เดือน และเกิดขึ้นทุกปี โดยรูปแบบงานจะเป็นการครีเอตโชว์เจาะกลุ่มเป้าหมายนักท่องเที่ยวที่จะเข้ามาในประเทศไทย ซึ่งงานดังกล่าวนี้บริษัทได้วางงบลงทุนกว่า 200 ล้านบาท คาดว่างานดังกล่าวจะได้เสียงตอบรับที่ดี มีรายได้กลับคืนมากว่า 400 ล้านบาท อีกทั้งนอกเหนือจากงานดังกล่าวแล้วบริษัทยังได้ร่วมมือกับเวิร์คพอยท์ จัดงานแก๊งค์ 3 ช่าต่อเนื่องเป็นปีที่ 2 หลังจากที่ในปีที่ 1 ค่อนข้างได้รับเสียงตอบรับที่ดี ทั้งนี้งานดังกล่าวบริษัทคาดว่าจะใช้งบลงทุนประมาณ 200 ล้านบาท In addition, at the end of this year. The company also plans to hold large-scale events, such as football and the phenotypes of certain ethnic, there are live shows, etc. where the two held over revenue expected to be 250 million. By his bed, the phenotypes are ethnic live show will be held in order to honor God, honor the King.Last year's economic base from 34 newspaper, issue 4-December 6 3006 2557 (2014)
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