The “Chang Hua Mun” royal initiative project purposes are to develop and support the agricultural careers for the local people in Petchaburi and their ability and success in sustainable livelihood of themselves and their families.
The Royal Project design to be the experiment land plot for planting Petchaburi local economic crops such as, Petchaburi rose apple, pineapple, coconut, lime and yam.
The success of the project
The project has brought development into the area such as roads and electricity.
The project also brings love and solidarity in community.
His Majesty the king‘s royally speech on 21st August 2009 at the Klai Kang Won Palace, Huahin
“In that, you have worked and made progress is a great thing. The principle is that everyone must sacrifice for activities in the area to progress well. How progress is through helping together. In the past it was thought that activities were done by a certain group of people; then progress was made. But this one is not a single group. All mutually work together and thus the progress is definite. This one is wonderful and amazing, and it gives hope- the hope that the nation shall progress, the nation shall success”
Visitors who visit the area of Cha Am – Huahin is strongly recommend to make a trip to the Royal project.
The "Chang Hua Mun" royal initiative project purposes are to develop and support the agricultural careers for the local people in Petchaburi and their ability and success in sustainable livelihood of themselves and their families.The Royal Project design to be the experiment land plot for planting Petchaburi local economic crops such as, Petchaburi rose apple, pineapple, coconut, lime and yam.The success of the projectThe project has brought development into the area such as roads and electricity.The project also brings love and solidarity in community.His Majesty the king's royally speech on 21st August 2009 at the Klai Kang Won Palace, Huahin"In that, you have worked and made progress is a great thing. The principle is that everyone must sacrifice for activities in the area to progress well. How progress is through helping together. In the past it was thought that activities were done by a certain group of people; then progress was made. But this one is not a single group. All mutually work together and thus the progress is definite. This one is wonderful and amazing, and it gives hope- the hope that the nation shall progress, the nation shall success"Visitors who visit the area of Cha Am – Huahin is strongly recommend to make a trip to the Royal project.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

The "Chang Hua Mun" Royal Initiative Project purposes are to develop and Support the Agricultural careers for the local people in Petchaburi and their ability and Success in sustainable livelihood of themselves and their Families. The Royal Project Design to be the Experiment Land plot for PLANTING. Petchaburi local Economic Crops such As, Petchaburi rose Apple, Pineapple, Coconut, Lime and Yam. The Success of the Project The Project has brought Development into the Area such As Roads and Electricity. The Project also brings Love and Solidarity in Community. His Majesty. the King's royally Speech on 21st August 2009 at the Klai Kang Won Palace, Huahin "In that, You have worked and Made Great Progress is a thing. The principle is that everyone must sacrifice for activities in the area to progress well. How progress is through helping together. In the past it was thought that activities were done by a certain group of people; then progress was made. But this one is not a single group. All mutually work together and thus the progress is definite. This one is wonderful and Amazing, and it gives the Hope- Hope that the Nation Shall Progress, the Nation Shall Success " Visitors Who Visit the Area of Cha Am - Huahin is strongly recommend to Make a Trip to the Royal Project.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

The "Chang Hua Mun." Royal initiative project purposes are to develop and support the agricultural careers for the local. People in Petchaburi and their ability and success in sustainable livelihood of themselves and their families.
The Royal. Project design to be the experiment land plot for planting Petchaburi local economic crops such as Petchaburi rose apple,,, ,, pineapple coconutLime and yam.
The success of the project
The project has brought development into the area such as roads and electricity.
The. Project also brings love and solidarity in community.
His Majesty the king 's royally speech on 21st August 2009 at the. Klai Kang, Won Palace Huahin
", In that you have worked and made progress is a great thing.The principle is that everyone must sacrifice for activities in the area to progress well. How progress is through helping. Together. In the past it was thought that activities were done by a certain group of people; then progress was made. But. This one is not a single group. All mutually work together and thus the progress is definite. This one is wonderful and. Amazing.And it gives hope - the hope that the nation, shall progress the nation shall success "
Visitors who visit the area of Cha. Am - Huahin is strongly recommend to make a trip to the Royal project.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..