The properties of a
leaves boiled with water used is eating pills on blood sugar. (leaves)
wood and leaves a little spicy flavor properties is the blood tonic (wood, leaves)
leaves a little spicy taste Can be used as an antidote blood (leaf)
.Helps to relieve fatigue. (wood)
bark is said to solve the headache. (bark)
seeds are used as a medicine. (seed)
leaves used as throat lozenges (leaf)
help fever, the elements in the body (wood)
.Wood served as medicine expel very well. The leaves have a drug benefit driving wind as well. (wood, leaves)
wood is used as anthelmintic (wood), wood, leaves and flowers can be used as diuretic (wood, leaves, flowers)
.Leaves used as a medicine for urinary tract infections (leaves)
help maintain normal menstruation (leaf)
help skin diseases. (wood)
shell properties as a tannin (shell)
.The bark is all you relieve swelling (bark), the wood is used as medicine to cure swelling. (wood)
help solve the wind in the bone (wood)
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