General information The official name of the Republic of SingaporeCapital city Singapore697.1 square kilometers of area. A population of 4.2 million people (76% of Malaysian Chinese people of India 8.4% 13.7%, 1.9%, and others) who live together without problems. Racial conflict In addition, Singapore is a country in Asia with a good family planning, population decline and causing a shortage of labor in the future.Official language is Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English public speaking 2 Singapore to promote the language, especially Mandarin, while English is the language used in the contacts, tasks, and in everyday life.51% of the Buddhist religion Taoist and Confucius 15%, 4%, Muslim 15%, Hindu religions profess Christianity, and the remaining percentage is a cult etc.The Government of the Republic system. There is a head of State, the President and the Prime Minister as head of Government. Each year there is a parliamentary agenda, foreign policy, Singapore 5 focuses on the economy. Technology and investment from abroad.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..