Transitional provisionsSection 75 of the buzzwords any permission requests that were filed before the day on which this Act is still in force and during the.Consideration of local officials or the Director-General of public works and urban planning, and any permission given by law.Control of building construction or a construction control law in the District of fire or the practice of the applicant received.The license as the license, as the case may be, that is the word, and approval of this Act, comply with.In the case of permits or allow such differences to obtain permission or consideration.Permitted under this Act, permits or allow it under this Act and to the employee.Local, have a dividend under section 27 so that people obtain permits, compliance is required within thirty days. If the permit is not.Follow the final dividend of local staff within the above periods, requests for permits that, agree to.Section 76, buildings which are licensed to perform construction or modifications and have completed the action.This Act will enter into force, even the control types are using it under this Act, an exemption is not required.Compliance in accordance with article 32 paragraph two.Section 77 where a stomach built into many in the land of the Earth, is in the public domain.This Act shall apply with the condition or conditions that may cause improper or unsafe for the residents. Defense.Fire, health, environmental management of urban space and facilities for the traffic. When the RoyalZoning Ordinance update local building and then to the local staff have a dividend one or several.The following.(1.) have a dividend to owners or occupiers of buildings demolished buildings within the designated time, not to exceed six months from the.Date received a dividend, but it will be done for building demolition การสัง่ tidy's home city. Local development or?Benefits of public of public.(2.) have a dividend within thirty days from the date of the Decree defines the district improves a building shall apply,Owners or occupiers of buildings was changed to properly building under this Act. Within no more than six months.From the date of receiving the dividend.(3.) have a dividend to owners or occupiers of buildings to eliminate or suppress the note that is causing or may.Causing objectionable conditions or unsafe for the residents Fire protection Public health qualityUrban environment and to facilitate traffic. Within no more than six months from the date of receiving the dividend.(4.) have a dividend, the owner of the building, lease the land to the owner's local staff, according to the guidelines. Conditions and methods.The Interior Ministry determines the rental rateIf the owners or occupiers of buildings which people follow the sufficiency economy philosophy of local officials, according to the first paragraph and then, when they get.Impunity, but if they do not comply with them liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand baht, local officials have a dividend that they dismantle.Withdrawal of the buildings within the specified period. If they do not demolish the building, to be completed within the above requirements. They will be prosecuted to.Adjusted on a daily basis, another one thousand times a day any time that also violate existing or until that person consents to give local officials the demolition action.The building itself In this case, remove the section 42 paragraph, fourth and fifth paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis.The Decree, according to the first paragraph, there is a map of the compound to the concept that those attached by Decree and,Local officers have authority to rent land in that area for a revenue for local, but the land is still necessary.Republic of the Earth's treasures.The land lease that is made in accordance with paragraph (4), there is a rental period agreed upon, but not exceeding ten years. The rental periodWill. At the end of the scheduled land already. Owners or occupiers of the Terminal razing Transporting building or buildings.Their exit from the areas defined in the Decree Is liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding three thousand baht, or both?Remember the entire adjust and is liable to a fine of one thousand per day, another daily baht at any time that also violate or until that person consents to the Lord.Local employees into its own building, the demolition action. In this case, remove the section 42 paragraph, fourth and fifth paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis.Section 78 of the appeal, the law on building control, filed before the day on which the Act.This force is the appeal of dividend that local officials have filed the Appeal Committee under this Act.
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