The Mars Mars (Mars) is the red planet to someone believed to be the God of war and combat strength, and the symbol of the male in the late 19th century, and the assumption that faith has been generally accepted that the Suns Tuesday as the star of the conditions conducive to the formation and evolution of living beings, ascended the wisdom, as well as humans. Because Mars is the next big star the world out into the solar system that is smaller than the Earth and has more rotation around itself closer to the world. Mars has a dense atmosphere, less than 1 in 100 of the world, but even so, it still has a big storm that blows the cover all stars-moon occurs sporadic. The atmosphere of the star contains angkhanpra of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse conditions so generates skin stars heat up approx. 5 degrees Celsius from the value that should be if there is no atmosphere. However, the temperature range of the Martian surface, it remains very wide, that is, from-133 degrees Celsius (140 Kelvin) at the polar ice in the winter, until about 30 degrees Celsius (303 Kelvin) at the middle of the day in the summer months, temperatures average around – 55° c (218 Kelvin) climate on Mars than Earth because Mars the cold, distant from the Sun than the Earth is almost 1.5 times get power from the Sun, only 40% of the energy that the Earth receives. Mars Moon servants possess a name. Foshan bus (Phobos) and Deimos (Deimos), discovered by the tea olive Hall (Asaph Hall) astronomer hotels United States Naval Observatory. In 1882, the year 1877, which is the Mars closer to Earth most times one. The two moons are very small, almost not able to observe from the Earth surface details get in the way. The actual shape of the moons of Mars so recently revealed to the eyes of the world. When the Viking spacecraft (Viling) of the United States plane misses the Moon both image capture and send back. Mars, are easy to spot because it has a noticeable red color by light when orbit closer to Earth. The time interval that the easiest to observe Mars, during af phapho. (the Opposition) as Mars, near the Earth, though most of the distance between Earth and Mars at out. Each time, it's not because the orbit of Mars, there are enough reboot capability. But the range af phapho. It is also a quality that can be observed in a particular orbit around always.
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