Father mother during Songkran Festival. I started to swim for the Festival because I like the sport swimming. It will be the lanklap home provinces and a chance to meet with the family. After that did not meet each other for a long time. Make some families used this opportunity to share activities. We will not be able to avoid the delicious food to eat during the Festival. Both to measure merit in the water festival or out of your home to share a meal and, as well as to prepare. Outfit for each other, and that these things will create a full chest, IM with everyone in the family and relationships between parents, children demonstrate much much more. I have no idea where to go for Songkran with friends because I enjoy playing water. I am planning to go out with friends. My mom himself, I go out with friends on Songkran day. Songkran Festival I'm prepared to go out with a friend, not just a fun day with friends. Not only is water splashing activities. The new generation of flour are familiar. But it is also filled with many great traditions that promote love and warmth in the family and society, Thai but it is meaningful for many people waiting when it comes to the Songkran is a time interval that the family will go home together. Songkran days ago. I am very happy to have a break from school so that they can meet the relatives far away has fueled Tomb tradition of the Lanna people. Watering your head is black and the parents are respectful of us. One year, it has at one time, and this year, I have done according to our tradition. I feel glad to receive a blessing from our grace. Go head black watering the elderly in the community. What I saw while I was watering his smile on his face. And I say that not to say thathi smiles with pleasure. Everyone wants to be happy and I hope to see a loved one happy evening for everyone but foreign travel back home, but believe that everyone would feel like me that wants to be like a holiday during Songkran. In order to found a family closely together and also maintain our traditions are a long succession following his version of child models.
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