3. Identification of bacteria
. The characteristics of colonies of diseases caused by bacteria isolated on various types of media to use in the population characteristics. By the medium used to test consists of common bacteria were cultured, NAYeast extract dextrose-calcium carbonate agar (YDC) and food semi selective improved for bacteria that can cause disease. Food KB 5%Nacl antibiotic (cycloheximide). (National Bureau of agricultural and food standards.2551) and characterization of biochemistry by standard methods, namely, Levan formation potato soft rot starch gelatin urease,,,,, ,, motility citrate utilization lipolytic activity and carbon utilization, etc. by using basic data from the Bergey s Manual. ' Of, Determinative Bacteriology10th ed in identification of
4. Identification of bacteria by nucleotide sequencing (DNA Sequence)
.The Gram-negative bacteria induced reaction response to acute on tobacco and ก่อโรค on corn leaf above. Brought by nucleotide sequencing method using DNA sequences universal primer 6F (GGAGAGTTAGATCTTGGCTCAG). 1510R.GTTACGACT) (van der Meer et.Al 1998), 16S rDNA of bacterial plant diseases caused by (Proteobacteria) reaction in the total volume of the 25 (DNA 25 ng. DNTPs 1, mM Taq DNA, polymerase enzyme, 1 unit MgCl2 2.5 mM, the primer (6F 1510R) tracks, and 1 M 10X PCR buffer 2.5 tracks and distilled water l sterilized) determine the reaction PCR using Predenaturation that 95 OC (5 minutes) denaturing 95 OC for 1. Minutes) annealing 56 OC (1 minutes) and extension 72 OC (1 minutes) the number of 30 around the PCR product to check under the light UV transilluminators. The 312.The analysis of nucleotide sequence with the method Sequence analysis (Biodesign) the nucleotide that were analyzed and compared with the nucleotide in the database. Genbank (http:/ / www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /) by the program BLAST Alignment ClustalX and to classify the close of target
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