One day, during lunch. I feel anxious a lot. While sitting in a car parked under the shade. Suddenly there was Robin one period fat worm dangling fly to the island near the door and looked at me.Matthew 6.25-26 that "do not worry about their life... See the bird in the air, for they neither sow nor reap Mi have heaped in the barn, but your father; Heavenly have fed the birds. Are ye not Gospel than, or "
.Many years ago, an article in the magazine, one of focal Point of Bible College Denver which Paul, Borden gives advice is good so anxious that
.Write a list of anxiety by writing what you worry about it, whether it is the expenditure, work, children, health, the future
.Change the topic concerns to pray. May God do in a situation where you anxious. Pray for their specific needs and rely on him
.To change the subject of prayer to the article to practice. If you have the knowledge and understand how should do something with those concerns are asked to do this. When we change the anxiety to prayer and practice, Borden said.
started writing your list now? - AMC
what you make a wish. To be what you don't worry anymore.
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