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General information
Singapore, Republic of Singapore capital area. 697.1 square km. Highest mountain is the main Bukit Timah Singapore River and Rochor road, Singapore and Malaysia are connected to the railway at the Singapore/Johor Causeway approximately 4.2 million population,
6 km (76% Chinese Malaysian people of 8.4% 13.7% and India 1.9%) who live together without racial conflict problems. In addition, Singapore is a country in Asia with a good family planning, population decline and causing a shortage of labor in the future
.Official language is Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English speaking citizens encouraging Singapore 2 language, especially Mandarin, while English is the language of communication in everyday life and work
.51% of the Buddhist religion Taoist and Confucius 15% Muslim, 4% 15% Hindu population profess Christianity, and the remaining percentage is burgeoning so
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..