In our world, in our country. In our province And even many environmental problems around us. Whether it's global warming. Air pollution And also noise pollution In today's environment, these problem There are more and more every day This will let us alone alone would not fix. However, we must cooperate To help
young people as The community and the nation has seen a lot of environmental problems, it would be one voice to a campaign to help more to help reduce environmental problems. To solve this problem, We were able to explain a number of ways, such as using cloth bags instead of plastic. The trash bin to the The open air at 25 ° C sharps and no trees deforestation.
If we say, or specific to, such as using cloth bags instead of plastic bags. Using a cloth bag, we can reduce global warming by up to 80 percent of plastic bags that we used. We then left the Did you know that we use the plastic bags. Than it is biodegradable, it takes 100 years to think of 100 plastic bags take up to much. And, there are many issues to come to an environment that is changing very disappointing that we will not do anything. As a youth, I want everyone to help each other and come together to solve environmental problems in our country and make the environment more liveable.
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