Regulations on the use of the swimming pool. Regulations as service users operating practices seriously. To prevent a nasty social or people around, and the various attacks will cause a danger to life, in order to prevent danger is caused to occur. Should be labeled with the regulations within the pool so that users know and honor as a very common practices by the swimming pool, there is no problem is the Organization of shows, see user services.The unit studied nithet Department of physical education, has compiled the following regulations is 4. 1. be careful not to swim near the jump. 2. do not vomiting in the pool area. 3. do not clean dirty pool. 4. do not swim when it rains or thunderstorms.5. do not chew food or gum swimming time. 6. do not urine feces into the pool. 7. do not swim participants. The first trainers or administrators. 8. the teacher must review the number of participants to the pool at all times. 9. should not be immersed in water when I feel myself very tired. 10. do not post a single pool can be deadly. 11. do not water down immediately. After eating IM new 12. do not rush to chase each other around the swimming pool or to persecute pushed water fall. 13. should maintain good manners are not causing annoyance to others. 14. do not do anything that may cause danger, and others. 15. should cut nails and pedicure nail cleaner, or short. 16. the need to obey a supervisor oversees the swimming pool safety. 18. do not swim cut through other people may bump and cause harm. 19. If this is disorder that society would have to keep the pool disappears before. 20. do not jump into the water, remove the head. Before examining the depth of the water before. 21. the need to obey the rules. Regulation of the use of the device in the pool by the regulators. 22. forbidden to annulled or similar fuel oil according to the body before a. 23. the trainers should be located at the edge of the pool. Want to know how first aid and tool storage. 24. different levels plus deep who swim to swim from ice should not go for shallow. 25. do not do anything that causes damage to the property of a swimming pool.
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