Why do students have to wear uniforms? Currently this occurs many argued, that students should be able to enter a good. School uniform, or not or whether to wear anything on your students. Someone once said students wearing, school uniform. Showing that the student will need to go to school as well, as the father to work wear to go to work. In addition students,, Wear uniforms made separate from the general public too easy. It "s can make teachers and parents of children care, better. In, my opinion I prefer that student should wear school uniforms in classroom. Wearing uniform is still necessary in the. Various, example factors for, good, promoting discipline reduce violence and fighting and save, money.Wearing uniform can promoting good discipline because colorful dress when looking at the, many students there are no regulations.? Even if some people say that they do not have uniforms. May, be true but I think we need to wear uniform. Many people think. That student uniforms help students maintain discipline in schools and help reduce incidents of student discipline. In, fact. The reason is that this lack of discipline in the current child in themselves because parents, refuse to punish them, Thus,. When dealing with teachers students classes,,, people 25-30 in time with the difficulty.Wearing uniform can reduce violence and fighting. Upon hearing this you may, be confused whether is true or not? Some people. Say that it is not possible and unrelated because uniform can not change the character of the person. The Survey found that. If students, wear uniforms students will have the opportunity to reduce violence and Student brawl when compared with students. Wearing clothing by fashion or comfortably. Students often mocked fellow students that there are no modern clothing. Students. Who can not afford to buy brand-name clothes are generally sensitive to feelings about their clothes. Therefore for see,, That school uniform help deal with this problem easily because all students wearing all the same.I believe that we should wear school uniform in classroom because it is a good way to save money for our parent, However,. Students still buy Fashion and trendy clothes such as short skirt or short sock. From exploring the feeling when wearing. The uniform of the school makes some people feel that there is a spirit of the school. Therefore they want, to wear, Moreover,. Wearing school uniform show respect to, their teacher and we can save money by wearing school uniform because we do not. Have to buy many clothes for everyday school. Moreover Uniforms are, cheaper fashion. Especially in the field of clothing. Design. And parents that school uniforms are designed to be durable. Withstand frequent washing and wearing. Some schools. May have a uniform distribution itself. Make parents buy Uniforms than the market price.In short wearing school, uniform is benefit for you. When parents and teachers see them wearing the uniform is, discipline. Student just do not insult, each other so not going to quarrel. They also save money because of the cheap sets. This is. The reason that we should wear school uniform in classroom.
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