The means of government officials, a patrol keep calm, arrest and suppression of the infraction. Call duty responsibilities such as firefighters, police, police police police police ตระเวนชายแดน train.The traffic police, the secret service, highway police, the police and ติบา palace police sergeant at arms? Al angiotensinogen in police.The Ministry or bureau, the Department and is in command of the prime minister. The police is responsible for keeping the peace patrol, arrest and suppression of the criminal law. A great responsibility in caring for protection.
, the powers of the policeThe power of the police in practice. The police are guided to his duty. According to tradition, exemplary as follows. The police is obliged to keep the peace of the country and have the power to investigate, arrest, imprison, suppression,, but using all the police officers had to control the mind firmly. Honest in my faithfulness. Don't use his power with prejudice. Or allow others to use its power to covert unjust
.The power of the police to bring forth a benefit is maintain peace and protect the good faith moral and openness accuracy fairly. Have to ask the police, they think, consider to see perfectlyTo accomplish the innocent age.
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