This graph shows the percentage of unemployed people of the two countries, the US and Japan in early March 1993 to March 1999.
The graph shows the overall trend of US unemployment decreased, compared to Japan, promising unemployed. Increasingly during the March 1993 to March 1999. Details are as follows. In March 1993 US unemployment is 6.8% and Japan unemployment is 3.1%, which shows that unemployment in Japan is less than the US in the first year of data collection in March 1994, unemployment of the US dropped to 6.0. % compared to the year 1993, Japan increased 3.7% compared to the year 1993 in March 1995, unemployment to the US fell 5.6% compared to the year 1994, Japan remained at 3.7% compared to the year 1994 in March 1996 the unemployment. US decreased slightly to 5.5% compared to the year 1995, Japan increased 4.4% compared to the year 1995 in March 1997, unemployment to the US fell 5.1% compared to the year 1996, Japan remained at 4.4% compared to the year 1996. March 1998 unemployment of the US was slightly down 5.0% compared to the year 1997, Japan increased slightly to 4.6% compared to the year 1997 in March 1999, unemployment of the US was slightly down 4.9% compared with 1998. Japan. up 4.9% compared to 1998, the trend of unemployment, the two countries after the data has been collected all seven years to see that the two countries have unemployment in opposite directions by the US tend unemployed fell steadily. every year, but on the other hand, Japan is the number of unemployed people increased every year.
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