mario is in english 101 .is from cali colombia his first language is spanish and he also speaks a little french. wants to be on the school volleyball team. he sahs he doesn't play very well, but he wants to learnl
mario is in english 101 .is from cali colombia his first language is spanishand he also speaks a little french. wants to be on the school volleyballteam. he sahs he doesn't play very well, but he wants to learnl
Mario is in English 101 .is from Cali colombia His First language is spanish and french He also Speaks a Little. Wants to be on The School Volleyball team. he sahs he does not play very well, but he wants to learnl.
Mario is in English 101. Is from Cali Colombia his first language is Spanish and he also speaks a little French. Wants. To be on the school volleyball team. He SAHS he doesn 't play very well but he, wants to learnl.