Religion is something that has come slowly for a long time. In the first stage, religion is something that has been set up to eliminate the fear of things that surround the human thought natural phenomenon that arises from the action of vitamin c greater than ourselves. When humans started to learn more and a religion that has a reason as the Guide and lifestyle. Faith is belief in various activities or rituals of each religion had become a tradition. The cultural succession from long periods of time. Every religion, religion is just way of human beings. The instruction is our main aim to teach people who are members of the society as the good ones. There is a reason and faith, virtue in accuracy. There are rituals and signs or symbols that indicate that religion is the person, whether they are in a position which roles will be based on principles of Dharma in daily life. Because of the teachings or doctrine will help solve many problems and obstacles. It allows everyone to share the peace. For Thai people. Religion is an important institution of Thai society recognizing Buddhism as the national religion, important, and allows individuals to various religions freely. Lets all major religions in the country, such as Thai Christianity Islam Brahmin the view etc, but Buddhism as the majority of Thai people's mind so it adheres to ethical basis of life, in order to contribute to the stability of the country. In addition to Buddhism, and also bring a valuable thing of another religion, combined with evidence of Buddhism, such as rituals of Brahmin in court. ' The new House. Join with other religious activities. Not considered defiled or Sin. Accept to marry people, religion is not an obstacle to the integration of the family and also provide protection against religion and creed who are not contrary to public morality.Dharma principles to apply in everyday life. ศาสนาเป็นเรื่องของจิตใจและอารมณ์ สามารถจูงใจและผูกใจคนไว้ได้อย่างแน่นแฟ้น มนุษย์จะนำศาสนาที่คนนับถือติดตัวไปปฏิบัติหรือเผยแพร่ในที่ใหม่ ศาสนาไม่ใช่ของที่อยู่กับที่แต่จะอยู่ตรงที่หนึ่งที่ใดก็ต่อเมื่อมนุษย์ยังไม่อพยพไปไหน บุคคลที่เกิดมาในศาสนาใดก็จะนับถือศาสนานั้น และมีความประพฤติคล้ายกับบุคคลที่นับถือศาสนานั้นๆ เช่น เด็กฝรั่งที่ถูกเลี้ยงแบบไทยและให้นับถือศาสนาพุทธ ก็จะมีพฤติกรรมและความคิดอ่านไปในแบบไทยๆ เป็นต้น ศาสนาจึงมีอิทธิพลต่อความเป็นอยู่ของคนในสังคม โดยเฉพาะหลักธรรมที่เป็นพื้นฐานสำคัญของการดำเนินชีวิตซึ่งทุกศาสนามีความสอดคล้องกัน โดยการยึดมั่นในการทำความดี ความสอดคล้องกันของหลักธรรมของแต่ละศาสนาทำให้บุคคลเข้าใจกัน อยู่ร่วมกันในสังคมได้อย่างสันติสุข หลักธรรมที่ศาสนิกชนสามารถนำมาใช้ได้ในชีวิตประจำวัน มีดังนี้ 1. doing good deeds to ignore evil Guidelines of each religion are different, but all religions, it teaches the good and ignore all 5 precepts of Buddhism, such as the evil of the 10 commandments of Buddhism Christianity and faith 6 encounter five practices of Islam, etc. 2. self-help and self-reliance Many religions teach people to rely on themselves and develop themselves in order to live happily in society. Especially Buddhism are Buddhist proverb that "self-and auto-Bud at hi hotel. Meanwhile, their "means NA is built on. There are 4 main atrom Brahmanism in phonhomchari that allows students to study and for the householder to follow their duties. Islam teaches that people pursuing knowledge from the grave 3. freedom and democracy, Justice of religion focuses on these matters, since every matters will make men live together do not stun Te. The Buddha said that the family does not belong to a given person's differences. People who come across it, and teach everyone under bias thosakti bias arising from ignorance and bias arising from love is 4 bias arising out of fear. Islam also teaches that damrongkhwam justice never according to the mood I would like to maintain justice, even sometimes looked towards ourselves. Parents or relatives according 4. the sacrifice or the religion, social work, teaching, there is a selfless, considerate and mutual aid with mercy and not expect reward. Like the Buddhist principle of สังค watthu and thotriya piyawa review: 4 automatic circumcision and catalog. Islam has more need donations saga. Christianity, it will highlight the generosity of human sacrifice, forgiveness, etc. 5. specialized utsaha and efforts. All religions teach people with diligence utsaha Patience and an attempt was made to help people succeed with the development itself is always. Buddhism has a motto that warning efforts go. The success was there, or doctrine, competency/4: in case there are Islamic wimangsa wiriya kata soul to pray 5 times a day, so it is considered an attempt to discipline the mind, pure. 6. love and mercy All teachings emphasize love story satna mercy because of the people we will be together is peace. Love mercy is also important as the media ethics of Christianity. In Buddhism, there is an ecumenical Buddhist proverbs that mercy is supporting the world. 7. integrity asserts patience almost every religion. Provisions and practices in this regard as well as to the precepts of the 10 commandments of Buddhism Christianity. Fasting of Islam. All practices is to provide people with patience, virtue, and asserts. 8. respect your parents praised as a cornerstone of any religious ritual, which is what should be praised for his mother, said that Buddhism is the child of Brahma. Christianity does not in fact 10 reasons that patients shall respect 4 ", etc. 9. the no class class The Buddha said, family origins, does not make a person a Brahmin King. As the father of the person's conduct as a designated person to everyone equally. Islam is considered a key to whether the master faith and the law must be in terms of not explicitly ruling class. 10. do not abuse alcohol don't play gambling is not keen to extend the Foundation of every religion, that the law clearly says what it should not do this masses in the sat.
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