In addition to the role. The country also has a role to Thailand and participate in promoting the concepts and practices of various social and cultural variety, such as.-Is the training center of drug suppression officials of ASEAN.-To push ASEAN to adopt a resolution last year to cultivate awareness in the fight against drugs, the ASEAN. During the year 2545 (2002)-2546 (2003), and supports the ASEAN Summit Declaration signing please 7 times on HIV.-To promote public health activities, such as an ASEAN dengue day events, ASEAN.-The proposed mechanism, ASEAN sports ministerial level. (ASEAN Ministerial Body on Sports) to promote sports cooperation.-To push ASEAN to raise their labor to the project, the development of the ASEAN labor skills, be able to support economic prosperity and progressive industry of member countries, mainly. As well as pushing the ASEAN agreed to share that story should not be linked to labour standards, trade between the countries, according to the wishes of the developed countries. Thailand has pushed countries to guarantee a healthy one (Universal.Health Coverage: UHC)Activities to enhance the knowledge, understanding and awareness
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