The psychiatrist learn?
.It was like a doctor in general, since the history taking, physical and mental status examination) to learn about the disease, since the mechanism of the disease. Pathology of the disease cause of disease. The disease treatment, prevention of disease.Thinking, perception, behavior, relationship (many people think is just a bad habit. And Dan bad mood, that may be different with other medical branch at the mental status examination.A leg is broken up acne abscess liver, stomach, etc. but psychiatrists treat one another. But the invisible wounds (Invisible wound) instead of
.So the skill to increase greatly in learning is listening, questioning, interpretation of what you see, observant, attentive to the opposite one. To achieve understanding the world within.In addition to the study of drug treatment mainly affects effect on brain neurotransmitters. Also need to learn about doing psychotherapy, which has a variety of approaches. Each model is suitable in patients with each type is different.Learn how to get onto it. To use their experience to share, understand, learn to develop psychological processes (which this is the advantages of learning psychiatry. We can take care of himself, at the same time, develop)
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